
Delete this shit



I did 40 attempts on the first day. I CANNOT beat this level lol. Many more to come.

BeatmapHeart 111

That's honestly a good idea. I'll try reworking the combos whenever I'm available.
I don't fully remember what I did to this map as my last update was 3 months ago, so I can't wait to see what kind of weird stuff I did considering I have been practicing map making since then. Thank you for the comment!

Edit: Never mind it's actually been 6 months since I actually edited this map lol. So it's gonna be an extremely strange sight once I look at my creation

Привет! Спасибо за комментарий, я постарался исправить смещение. Я все еще думаю, что это неприятно, но это может быть я. Я попробовал -40, как вы сказали в своем комментарии, и, по крайней мере, стало лучше. Если возникнут еще проблемы, надеюсь, вы мне сообщите.

BeatmapHeart 111

I haven't tried the other map for myself, so I can't judge at all. But hopefully they do notice mine, as well and at least tell me if it's ranked worthy or not.

BeatmapHeart 111

Thank you! I hope it does, too. We'll just have to see.

BeatmapHeart 111

Has it actually? I can't find it and I'm gonna be sad if it had already happened to another map lol.

ohhh yeah I saw the map, congrats to Ducky- for their map getting ranked. This probably won't be ranked in the end. I believe, though. Many songs have multiple ranked maps and this could be the case! I will never give up!

Bed__ Shushhs

i like this map so much better than the other tbh lol, would be great if the bn's realized its existence


I haven't tried the other map for myself, so I can't judge at all. But hopefully they do notice mine, as well and at least tell me if it's ranked worthy or not.

Yok0ri Shushhs

I really wish your version will get ranked too! IMO It feels so much better to play (я тоже не знаю почему так много русскоговорящих людей нашли эту мапу XDD)


Thank you! I hope it does, too. We'll just have to see.

BeatmapHeart 111

Честно говоря, я до сих пор не понимаю, почему так много россиян это находят, но я благодарен!

BeatmapHeart 111

Never thought I'd see anyone mention aimlabs when playing this map lol. Thank you!

BeatmapHeart 111

ахахаха спасибо

Да, я сам думал, что это тихо, но предположил, что это только я. Я увеличу громкость, спасибо!

BeatmapHeart 111



Di ko nag expect yung chorus ahahaha. GGWP!

BeatmapHeart 111

Спасибо! Я очень надеюсь, что это тоже получит оценку.

К сожалению, так и задумано.
Я хотел, чтобы это было сложно и не удобно для новичков.

К счастью, однако. В будущем я планирую сделать более простые уровни. Так что, надеюсь, вы останетесь и посмотрите их, когда они выйдут.

Exactly! Big coincidence that we both just somehow stumble upon each others maps. Only thing connecting our stuff together are the drawings of our maps.

Oh I don't mind at all! I just found it a bit funny when I first saw it. You're obviously free to write anything you want in your description, and there's no one going to stop you.


It's funny that you were one of the first to see this description.

Shushhs WolfCub7

Exactly! Big coincidence that we both just somehow stumble upon each others maps. Only thing connecting our stuff together are the drawings of our maps.

Hey! I'm about to make the same beatmap and I noticed your description is oddly similar to mine in "Heart 111" ahahah. Would love to see how you map this, good luck!


Hi. I'm sorry, but I really took your description, I'm just a beginner and didn't know what to write. I hope you don't mind.

Shushhs WolfCub7

Oh I don't mind at all! I just found it a bit funny when I first saw it. You're obviously free to write anything you want in your description, and there's no one going to stop you.


It's funny that you were one of the first to see this description.

Shushhs WolfCub7

Exactly! Big coincidence that we both just somehow stumble upon each others maps. Only thing connecting our stuff together are the drawings of our maps.

BeatmapHeart 111

Thank you!

BeatmapHeart 111

Дякую тобі! Сподіваємось, незабаром він буде оцінений.

BeatmapHeart 111

I appreciate the comment! The Insane level was created first, believe it or not. I had the intention of making a funny jump map and this is what came out.

BeatmapHeart 111

Unfortunately, maps automatically get the Graveyard tag if it hasn't been updated for a month. I'll be updating it so it could get Pending back, and until it gets ranked or anything else, it'll be like this over and over again.

BeatmapHeart 111


BeatmapHeart 111

No clue. I sure hope it does though!

BeatmapHeart 111

Thank you!

BeatmapHeart 111

I appreciate it! It really makes me happy to see people actually play my map lol.

BeatmapHeart 111

Thank you! I hope it does, too.

BeatmapHeart 111


BeatmapHeart 111

Thank you!

BeatmapHeart 111

This is extremely painful and I love it lol.

BeatmapHeart 111

Thank you, I plan on trying to make 5-6+ stars soon. I'm still new to mapping, so I still don't really know what makes a level hard as a 6 star, but I will do my best.

Thanks, good luck to make it harder! Hope your level get ranked


Thank you! I hope it does, too.

BeatmapHeart 111

Привет! Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы добавить еще более сложные уровни, спасибо за комментарий!


Привет! Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы добавить еще более сложные уровни, спасибо за комментарий!