
青木 千紘 - 鼓動 You can find it on youtube by searching this phrase

BeatmapEc Tisia

It's a shame that Foreground Eclipse disbanded their song were very enjoyable tbh . Have you found similar style artist that you could share ?

[ <3 ] GoldenWolf after hiberating is finally awaken from sleep! What else shall this rare event bring ??? Counter-Clock world , Youkai Domination or maybe Hypernova , we shall wait TIll When(then)

BeatmapBull's Eye

Wooo I have been following this mapset for a while GJ on getting it qualified Asphyxia it's a great map

GG -GN here is orginal from artist pixiv , amazing artist you can check him out

BeatmapBig Brother

If not ar 8 , then magic ar known as ar 8.5 , line between old and new mapping ...


Look at creator/mapper user page

Wow this is your 2nd qualified/ranked map and I am amazed . You are probably the best fast sliders mapper . I think people should learn from you how to play fast sliders expecially HW

I waited for this song to be mapped a long time . Thanks handsome

Really good and challanging map <3

Baka CB maps are usually great , that map live up to expectation ^^

Osu! Needs more Demetori


I hate this map with passion the jumps at Forever diff don't fit the song at all everytime I play I just wanna to delete this map "forever" .

I love the Kotori difficulty it's challanging yet so fun to play I love the mapping style . On the other hand Guy diff seems bit generic and unfun ( at least for me ) . The world diff it's I don't have words for mapping style idk really hwo I feel about it but well as far as playing goes that difficulty is my worse nightmare so a lot of no-fail grind to train aim on this ty :)

BeatmapBlade Dance

Restia <3

<3 Love it map one of the best I ever played

Wow after so long it's getting qualified again , I hope it's gonna be rank this time

I love the patterens in first half of Red Lotus then it becomes too much jumpy notes not sliders :( . But I love all of Insane version . Generally great map thanks for mapping this song

Just done #EasyPP

I can't sing but I just send Genryuu Kaiko #WORTH still gonna lose but hey HAVE FUN!!!!!!



Copy Pasta IDC just give another weekly MIIRO I love them

I gonna FC this map in 1 years (max 1,5 years) This is my challange on Osu!


I gonna FC this map in 1 years (max 1,5 years) This is my challange on Osu!