Been playing this game for 12 years, FINALLY MY FIRST 1kpp! 🥳 (skipped 900 too 😄)
Tested all diffs:
Rain : 6.03* with DT (438pp)
Overdose : 6.02* with HR (436pp)
Deluge : 6.04* (418pp)
Top diff : 6.04* with HT (403pp)
Top diff HT > Rain DT >> Deluge >= Overdose HR
Rain DT >= Overdose HR >> Deluge > Top diff HT
HT is shadow nerfed :sadge:
x1040 - x1080 part on Terminus is a brow-raising moment for me, feels like a sudden anti-flow that simply doesn't belong and perhaps was included for diversity sake. The greatest pity is that the entire rest of the map feels smooth like butter, such a delight to play, then something just had to ruin the experience right at the end for no apparent reason. A sequence of left-right screen-wide hyper chains would've been challenging too, and it would fit the map perfectly. I just don't understand the decision to have it be the way it is now. The pattern isn't "wrong" or "bad", it just doesn't fit and it came too late in the map. Hope this helps for future map making.
ExGon has 700pp 3 mod SS from almost 7 years ago on Oracion:
I think if he played seriously until now maybe there would be 3 mod 1kpp
First SS in case this gets ranked in the future :O[Hydrogen]+(2020-11-03)+CatchTheBeat.osr/file
Is it humanly possible to full mod FC this? Like not in terms of whether it's worth doing it but if it's even achievable at all :O
So no one is gonna talk about Motion