Beatmapfemboy music

Only on RAT my charts are always updated smh

Beatmapfemboy music

I made it batter tho but osu is a pain to update chart and stuff :/


Only on RAT my charts are always updated smh

I uh, damn I just saw your Global Ranking and I'm surprised that you said that to my chart that was NOT charted in osu, just exported from a different charting engine aka Mus!Studio aka the RAT game on RoFnf


The greatest SV Chart that I ever played on this game, holy deer.

I got it on RAT! as well my guy

BeatmapGhast Voices

Ehhh you can just change sides in rat so yk that's why

BeatmapGhast Voices

Yeah the only reason why I submit my charts in here it was because nobody really had the time to add Community Charts lol.
So I added them here to play and with my friends but now I have the role of adding them :D

areyoudumblol TheFunnySuperHe

nice ty and why didn't you add the mixed version on this one?


Ehhh you can just change sides in rat so yk that's why

Bro ain't lying !!!

BeatmapGhast Voices

Yeah but when converting it it just puts in as FNF so I am to lazy to remove it sorry

BeatmapGhast Voices

BuT i ChArTeD iT iN a FnF eNgInE
(Or mapped)

the rizzler TheFunnySuperHe

So? People dont put ArrowVortex , DDReam , Quaver or StepMania editor as their source?

the rizzler

Yeah but when converting it it just puts in as FNF so I am to lazy to remove it sorry


Yeah but when converting it it just puts in as FNF so I am to lazy to remove it sorry