
tynamo recreated the boys on puberty vs girls on puberty meme

eh it depends on the scenario and person. for me there isn’t any nostalgia from the map

“your unnecessary opinion that isn't even close to being right” huh

im sorry that i have an opinion that is different then yours

mystaz Kyouko Sakura

it's not an opinion, it's your stupidness that makes you feel like "OG is better". Bro it's not like playing fortnite since 2018 and saying "OG is better cause I was playing in chapter 1 and I know what it's like". You play osu since 2021, at the time first image material was ranked, you were in the fucking balls racing with other sperms, thinkin "I wish it's not America pls god not America". Don't call anything an "opinion" if you don't prove your statement true. You just burst out your unnecessary opinion that isn't even close to being right. Don't ever judge maps again

“your unnecessary opinion that isn't even close to being right” huh

i joined this game 8 years after the map was created there’s 0 nostalgia lol

Natsu Kyouko Sakura

thats about 4 years ago tho

eh it depends on the scenario and person. for me there isn’t any nostalgia from the map

they all just dont compare to the og map. maybe its the old mapping style? iconicism? that map feels like actual thought and effort was put into it. this map just puts me to sleep for whatever reason.

Natsu Kyouko Sakura

It is called nostalgia that’s all

i joined this game 8 years after the map was created there’s 0 nostalgia lol

Natsu Kyouko Sakura

thats about 4 years ago tho

eh it depends on the scenario and person. for me there isn’t any nostalgia from the map

mystaz Kyouko Sakura

aight it's just something wrong with you

im sorry that i have an opinion that is different then yours

mystaz Kyouko Sakura

it's not an opinion, it's your stupidness that makes you feel like "OG is better". Bro it's not like playing fortnite since 2018 and saying "OG is better cause I was playing in chapter 1 and I know what it's like". You play osu since 2021, at the time first image material was ranked, you were in the fucking balls racing with other sperms, thinkin "I wish it's not America pls god not America". Don't call anything an "opinion" if you don't prove your statement true. You just burst out your unnecessary opinion that isn't even close to being right. Don't ever judge maps again

“your unnecessary opinion that isn't even close to being right” huh

the map isnt even bad, its just the most boring patterns for 6 and a half minutes

mystaz Kyouko Sakura

Have you seen anothers Image Materials? They are even worth

they all just dont compare to the og map. maybe its the old mapping style? iconicism? that map feels like actual thought and effort was put into it. this map just puts me to sleep for whatever reason.

Natsu Kyouko Sakura

It is called nostalgia that’s all

i joined this game 8 years after the map was created there’s 0 nostalgia lol

Natsu Kyouko Sakura

thats about 4 years ago tho

eh it depends on the scenario and person. for me there isn’t any nostalgia from the map

mystaz Kyouko Sakura

aight it's just something wrong with you

im sorry that i have an opinion that is different then yours

mystaz Kyouko Sakura

it's not an opinion, it's your stupidness that makes you feel like "OG is better". Bro it's not like playing fortnite since 2018 and saying "OG is better cause I was playing in chapter 1 and I know what it's like". You play osu since 2021, at the time first image material was ranked, you were in the fucking balls racing with other sperms, thinkin "I wish it's not America pls god not America". Don't call anything an "opinion" if you don't prove your statement true. You just burst out your unnecessary opinion that isn't even close to being right. Don't ever judge maps again

“your unnecessary opinion that isn't even close to being right” huh

yawn still waiting for blade of immortal steel smh

lesjuh didnt die for this

just because its a slop map doesnt mean you get to put an anime girl in the bg everytime

Kyouko Sakura

would this fix it?

lesjuh didnt die for this

this isnt the chanci mapset from like 6 years ago but this is still fire


the best song on the saberlight chronicles getting ranked what a time to be (truly) alive


beat saber players were so fucking back

as much as i hate to be the bearer of bad news, the harsh vocalist of NeO, Xenoyr, has recently left the band after 22 years last week. fortunately, James Dorton of Black Crown Initiate (you may know this band from TKH's Belie The Machine), will be taking over, as he has been their touring harsh vocalist for the past 2 years.

BeatmapOf The Abyss

nishihara lorna shore map ranked what timeline are we in

everytime you play this map you have to play I Am once to offset it



rip magia record lost a real one last year

Beatmap220 - Kumano

220 - Kumano
200 BPM

do we deadass need a 7th guitar to kodoku ranked


bad map, map doesnt give 1.2k pp

another mania player has hit the osu! featured artist list

even osu not supporting windows 7 cant stop HW from ranking maps

wouldve been 8* before the rework

2nd time sayuka coincidentally ranking a map right as i get the merch of that artist

me when i lie:

Beatmapand I'm home

who will be the sayaka miki to my kyouko sakura


@buddon can you be my cutie patootie pls

BeatmapGlory Days

also just wanted to point out that fellowship is releasing their 2nd album "The Skies Above Eternity" on the 22nd of november! they also already released their first single "Dawnbreaker" from that album. if you like this kind of music, go check it out!

hands down my favorite melodeath song of all time there needs to be more maps of it

i love tentacle hentai


I really miss Aqua. For the last month there hasn't been a single day where I opened YouTube and thought "when will her stream pop up on my recommended page again". Now it's only memories from clips and old streams. As an eternal Aqua Crew member, I'll keep those memories in my heart forever. :AquaHeh: :AquaHeh: :AquaHeh: She's so amazing, cute, cool hard working — how can't you like Aqua. Truly a legendary gamer idol maid. :AquaSad:


im killing u with hammers idc

this might be one of the most stacked project loved of all time

peak qualified. also just wanted to say that this specific song holds a special place in my heart. it was the first song that got me into metal, as well as power metal. funnily enough, i heard it first through beat saber, and the moment i heard it, i started listening to as much metal music thats similar to this as possible

arguably not stream slop, as its mostly correlated to dt stream maps that are overweighted in the pp system. epitaph is kinda similar but thats insanely overweighted, while this map is very neutral in the pp system

surely the mapper mapped the whole song by themselves and definitely didnt copy off of an already ranked map of this song

the amount of ranked nebuwua maps may be low, but not as low as the activity in the nebuwua discord server

osu needs more dragon guardian

BeatmapThe Game


BeatmapThank You!

may i ask what the fuck is happening with the hd leaderboards


score so insane that the mapper didnt even put pp values for it in the map desc

⬇️ Deep 😳 Inside 🍆 Our 😍 Hearts ♥️ Beats 🥁 Sounds 🎵 Of Heavy 🏋️‍♂️ Metal 🤘
🤝 We're ✅ Ready 💀 To Die ⚰️ Between ✈️ Stars 🌠

BeatmapLeaving Home




this was back in like 2021, so before ppv2.9 where acc didnt matter as much, so i only got a 90% 9 miss lol. i never grinded acc but grinded speed so all my top plays never went above 91-92%


yeah, specifically ur collapse of ego top diff, pretty sure it was my first 400 too lol

Kyouko Sakura

No shot, what a fucking map to have as your top play hahahaha. Map kinda sucks looking back on it lmao

Kyouko Sakura Helloiamdaan

this was back in like 2021, so before ppv2.9 where acc didnt matter as much, so i only got a 90% 9 miss lol. i never grinded acc but grinded speed so all my top plays never went above 91-92%


this was back in like 2021, so before ppv2.9 where acc didnt matter as much, so i only got a 90% 9 miss lol. i never grinded acc but grinded speed so all my top plays never went above 91-92%