Meghan Trainor is the female version of Harry maguire
new mapset for this bager song poggersif anyone wants to watch the anime, be prepared for some chaotic shit in the first episode lol
glad to see this song getting more attention, sad as it is that it happened through tik tok. Especially glad to jack stauber getting ranked. Long sliders feel silly, but fun.
PP map
i hear it mate
Super Idol的笑容 都没你的甜 八月正午的阳光 都没你耀眼 热爱 105 °C的你 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水
imma fc with hdhr
hermanoooooooo que recuerdooooooooos
The bg kinda looked like DigitalHypno's pfp
havent had this much fun playing since i tried masterpiece, if it had ar 8.5 or something it would be bliss, nice map tho
si es de andalucia porque esta en japones bro
i think it does in the top diff, dont know the rest
little bit late, but nice pfp, like all yukino pics, all of them are great without exceptions
I want to download that damn bg
go into the map folder