
I just had an emotional breakdown of my life

Did you know? According to NOAA: "More than eighty percent of our ocean is unmapped, unobserved, and unexplored"

I'll come second then

Nice going!


Biar keliatan beda aja dari bg beatmap Neko Hacker yang lain. Kebanyakan mereka pake album covernya dan aing ingin mapnya mencolok dikit :>

I think that fits it beter :L

AlanEt MandaliKa

padahal bagus yg kemarin :v


Biar keliatan beda aja dari bg beatmap Neko Hacker yang lain. Kebanyakan mereka pake album covernya dan aing ingin mapnya mencolok dikit :>


ChangelogStable 20220307

I wonder if osu! has creepypastas.

When... When... When...

A little awhile back : "Cute bg."
After listening to the song : "Okay I might underestimated this".


sniff absolute gem.


This is straight up open invitation for Lifeline

Whooo eee~

I love lolis

I see. I don't understand.

BeatmapBlue sky

Tip : Play the top difficulty with 0% background dim for the best experience.


BeatmapCatch Light

It came from a vn titled "Kimi no Hitomi ni Hit Me"

Whoho! Qualified finally :D

Matsushita and nayuta made a pretty cute duo :o


Matsushita and nayuta made a pretty cute duo :o