
If you still enjoy this song, it'd be awesome to see a higher diff with this style of mapping. The flow potential is insane.

already outdated kek

skill issue

He's 800k...

congrats you can doubletap just like all the other thousands of players in the game

Congrats on the map! It looks great <:

Say goodbye to your account

This must be ranked
I need the pp

has this just become an official osu copy pasta now

just download it and reverse image search

Are you really trying to belittle a score you probably could never get? Saying other people spend time in different games or on different maps to get cool scores doesn't matter and you shouldn't compare them. If someone else comes along and fcs this with fl it would be just as insane because the effort required would be the same. I think you just want to be that one edgy kid who goes against what everyone else thinks because you believe that makes you cool. Just sit down, stop complaining, and keep your garbage opinions to yourself please.

BeatmapMarisa Spark

lmao this was mapped in 2009 your expectations are too high

Karthy with the epic fc

That moment when miku isn't speaking japanese. Still a really good remix tho.

Same for me but I just made the ar 10 and it feels great now


Same for me but I just made the ar 10 and it feels great now