
ggs Umbre for your first 1kpp ranked play :D

BeatmapTitle Screen

I was there during that 1887pp live play :3

BeatmapInai Sekai

just realized mrekk set a 1.6k on this map lmao

lemon tree finally got loved. deserved <3

1.4kpp choke on hdhr is crazy

What is he on bro. 1.6kpp SS

Browiec's Extreme with HDDT gotta be the most easiest diff to get the 10 star FC medal.
Tomasz Chic and Pipipupu997 got themselves the "Unfathomable" Medal from it. Crazy...

Bro got on. Snipe both Ivaxa's score, then got off. what a lad

and obviously mrekk can do it too lol

4us1on 4us1on

Bro got on. Snipe both Ivaxa's score, then got off. what a lad

BeatmapMy Time

People trashing on TheMagicAnimals is kinda funny.

BeatmapMy Time


BeatmapBurning Star

He finally did it. Sk getting more scary now


Even sounds really good on english too :3


Okay tbf you mapped it first then you suggested to me to map it too. sry ;-;

And the score on this map continues to improve.


He cannot be stopped fr 😭

BeatmapSave Me


BeatmapSave Me

He finally did it :D



BeatmapScarlet Rose

Acc is unreal with dt

2 players following grandpa's footsteps 🔥

BeatmapBang Bang

"Lack of variety" on the map...




BeatmapSave Me

Time to get me my 3rd Save me Fc lol


BeatmapShoujo A

Very rare moment to see a mania score reach 1MIL. Congrats Bojii :D

easiest 445pp I ever gotten the moment I'm able to play LN lol

Its because Taiko is their national rhythm game.

Imagine sniping yourself with a warmup


mrekk bro

as long as shige still enjoying osu, me happy :3

Cloutiful HUH

I mean almost all the people is gaining pp so possibly 10k people surpassed you. I guess it affects almost all the 6 digit players because their pp value are so close to each other. As a 4 digit, I gain about 50pp but lost 170 rank . That's like equivalent losing 1,700 rank if I were a 5 digit or 17,000 rank if I were a 6 digit.

I mean everyone is gaining pp, so 4k people might have surpassed you lol

o7 idke

fr lol

nah bro my boi Phantom is the 9th person fc'ing this map WHILE being a 4 digit. insane 🎉🎉🎉


Willy first 800pp and ASecretBox setting a Non DT 1.1kpp play. Crazy

BeatmapSave Me

Mrekk punching air rn

cool it's that the bpm is actually building up. Deserves to get loved if ranking not possible

as long as it has a 2024bpm. The map is mapped as intended. Would have been cool seeing the bpm build up but I know that shizz gonna be hard. So good job :3

BeatmapSave Me

Mrekk HUH?!

BeatmapSpace Battle

If didn't sliderbroke, he could have gotten his first 1.5k. Good shizz tho mrekkk ggs 🎉🎉🎉

BeatmapSpace Battle

Huh. Cant believe I missed out


Huh. Cant believe I missed out