
i responded to your twitter post. you should do a little bit more research before you accuse artists. the livestream of the art process was not difficult to find.

who drew the one with the dragonball homage? i'd like to follow their blog.

PP resets would be nice, haven't played for a while and would like to slowly move up in ranks again like before, wouldn't mind being banned from tournaments entirely for this.
If lazer gives you a new top play list, that would be cool too.

you're the reason i got into seleP, that remember me map is really nice, thanks for making it

very nice keysounds

great map and song, love the patterns

really fun map, i feel like you captured the intensity of the song really well

very fun map

177 has a really nice charm to it

dude i fcking love you for mapping this song, one of the best songs from stack, hope there is more to come

this map is so good holy shit




I'm gonna play this in every multi lobby I join until it gets loved.

lazer when?


lazer when?