Faktycznie, masz racje. Ale jeremiaszu ty powienienes wiedziec ze sie powinno napisac KorzeNIE a nie korzeNIA bo to jest NIEPOPRAWNA FORMA! Odjeli by ci na maturze za to punkty.
Jeremigames i asrasz wchodzą na mapę 'Ejsik Kochanie'. Jeremigames mówi: 'Ja biorę lewą stronę, ty prawą!' Asrasz odpowiada: '' " 😂🎹
Drogi Jeremiaszu,
Chciałbym dodać jeszcze jedną ważną uwagę dotyczącą frazy "your welcome". W tym wyrażeniu powinieneś użyć "you're", ponieważ prawidłowa forma to "you're welcome", czyli "you are welcome" – "proszę bardzo".
Masz świetne podejście do nauki, a to drobne poprawki, które jeszcze bardziej wzbogacą Twój angielski! Super, że tak dobrze sobie radzisz! 😊
I agree that raking shouldn't give much pp (especially after csr when raking will be even more worth), but in no way does rake undervalue "normal" plays. osu is a community driven game. most of people will just stop counting these scores and its achievements as "normal" ones (they already do, look at reddit comments). lets say someone gets a raked 13* fc, community's reaction might be mixed, but when another player, let's say mrekk, gets a 13* fc too, I assure you people will say that mrekk's play is the first 13* fc, and even if some won't, they will obviously find the mrekks score more impressive and worth of the title. I mean just look at Haitai.
Wow, Rhine! 😲🎉 I didn’t expect to see you here commenting on this insane play! 😄🙌 I totally agree—TheMagicAnimals pulling off a 1069pp score on 'bo en - my time' with EZDT is just unreal 🤯🔥. That level of precision 🎯 and control 🎮 with such tough mods is mind-blowing 💥. It’s honestly next-level gameplay 🚀 that pushes the boundaries of what’s even possible 🤩. Can’t wait to see what comes next, too! 😎👀
TheMagicAnimals just dropped an absolute banger with their play on "bo en - my time" using EZDT, smashing a jaw-dropping 1069pp! 🤯🔥 That’s the kind of play that makes waves in the osu! community. 🌊💥 Pulling off something like that takes serious skill and dedication—total legend status right there! 👑🚀 This one’s definitely going down in the history books! 🏆✨🎉
Wow, that’s insane! TheMagicAnimals just hit a 1069pp score on 'bo en - my time' with EZDT! 😱 Getting that score with those mods is absolutely mind-blowing. The precision, control, and consistency needed for such a play are on another level. Congrats to TheMagicAnimals for pushing the limits of what’s possible in osu! and setting a new standard for the rest of us. Can't wait to see what other crazy plays are coming up next!
Wow, Rhine! 😲🎉 I didn’t expect to see you here commenting on this insane play! 😄🙌 I totally agree—TheMagicAnimals pulling off a 1069pp score on 'bo en - my time' with EZDT is just unreal 🤯🔥. That level of precision 🎯 and control 🎮 with such tough mods is mind-blowing 💥. It’s honestly next-level gameplay 🚀 that pushes the boundaries of what’s even possible 🤩. Can’t wait to see what comes next, too! 😎👀
Nie, nie jestem żadnym wielbicielem! 😅 Po prostu cieszę się, że mogę dzielić się pasją i rozmawiać z kimś, kto ma podobne zainteresowania. Jeśli coś było nie tak, to przepraszam! 🚀😄
— Kto ty jesteś?
— Polak mały.
— Jaki znak twój?
— Orzeł biały.
— Gdzie ty mieszkasz?
— Między swemi.
— W jakim kraju?
— W polskiej ziemi.
— Czym ta ziemia?
— Mą Ojczyzną.
— Czym zdobyta?
— Krwią i blizną.
— Czy ją kochasz?
— Kocham szczerze.
— A w co wierzysz?
— W Polskę wierzę.
— Coś ty dla niej?
— Wdzięczne dziecię.
— Coś jej winien?
— Oddać życie
The Horrifying Tale of Willy William and His Songs
In the small town of Lormont, France, a peculiar and unsettling legend began to spread. It was a story about a musician named Willy William, who was renowned for his catchy tunes and infectious beats. His songs, like "Pulcino Pio" and "Ego," topped charts worldwide and brought joy to countless listeners. However, behind his success lay a chilling mystery that no one could explain.
The Rise of "Pulcino Pio"
It all started with "Pulcino Pio," a playful song about a little chick that delighted children and adults alike. The song's popularity skyrocketed, but soon, whispers began circulating about its eerie side effects. People claimed that after listening to "Pulcino Pio," they would hear the song playing in their minds, even when it wasn't playing aloud. The innocent chirps of the little chick turned into an endless loop in their heads, driving some listeners to madness.
The obsession with "Pulcino Pio" was not limited to just its melody. Strange occurrences began to happen around those who listened to it excessively. Pets would go missing, and the haunting chirps of chicks would echo in empty rooms. Some swore they saw shadows of tiny chicks following them, only to vanish when they turned around.
The Power of "Ego"
As "Pulcino Pio" continued to dominate the airwaves, Willy William released another hit, "Ego." This song was different, a powerful anthem that captured the essence of self-confidence and ambition. But with its release, the mysterious incidents intensified.
People reported seeing reflections in mirrors that weren't their own, as if something—or someone—was looking back at them with sinister intent. The song's booming bass and hypnotic beat seemed to open a portal to another realm, where dark entities waited to invade the real world.
Listeners described feeling a presence lurking behind them when they played "Ego," a chilling sensation that left them cold and paranoid. Soon, stories of possession surfaced, with fans claiming that the song controlled their thoughts, compelling them to do things against their will.
The Osu Twitter Takeover
The horror didn't end with the songs. Willy William's influence extended to the gaming community, particularly on Osu!, a popular rhythm game where players tried to keep up with fast-paced music tracks. Fans of Willy William's music started sharing their scores and experiences on Twitter, unknowingly feeding the darkness that had attached itself to his songs.
The Osu Twitter community became a breeding ground for the eerie phenomena associated with Willy William's music. Players reported feeling watched as they played, their scores inexplicably dropping, and their computers behaving erratically. Some even claimed that a shadowy figure appeared in their peripheral vision, just out of reach but always present.
A Desperate Attempt to End the Madness
As the legend of Willy William and his songs grew, a group of dedicated Osu players decided to uncover the truth behind the unsettling events. They dug deep into the history of the songs and discovered a chilling connection.
Years ago, the recording studio where "Pulcino Pio" and "Ego" were produced was built on the site of an ancient ritual ground. The land was cursed, and the spirits trapped there had latched onto the songs, using them as a conduit to reach the living world.
In a desperate attempt to end the madness, the group performed a cleansing ritual at the recording studio, hoping to sever the link between the songs and the malevolent spirits. As they completed the ritual, a deafening silence fell over the studio, and a chilling wind swept through the room.
The Aftermath
The haunting incidents ceased almost immediately. The echoes of "Pulcino Pio" faded from people's minds, and the sinister presence accompanying "Ego" vanished. The Osu Twitter community returned to normal, with no more reports of strange occurrences.
Though Willy William's songs remain popular, the legend of their dark history lingers, a cautionary tale of how music, once a source of joy, became a gateway to terror. Those who dared to listen to "Pulcino Pio" and "Ego" were forever marked by the experience, a reminder of the thin veil between our world and the unknown.
Willy William continued to create music, unaware of the horrors his songs had unleashed and grateful that the nightmares had finally ended—or so he thought. Some say, late at night, when the world is quiet, you can still hear the faint chirps of "Pulcino Pio" or feel the eerie rhythm of "Ego" reverberating through the darkness, a chilling echo of the past.
FAIRY TAIL!!!!!!!!!!!😀😁😂😃😄🥳😆🥰😊