Beatmapearly morn


Congratulations on the qualification!

It's okay! You don't have to add it. The genre of music is originally determined by the listener.

Here's the composer!
It looks like there's a little bit of controversy, but this music was made for 'speedcore'.
When I made this song, my music skills were not as good as they are now.
So, I think this music lacked the unique feeling of speedcore.
I would like to apologize if you were confused by this.
And THX for using my song :D


Don't worry about it! Would you prefer if I added speedcore back to the tags? It used to be in there because I've followed your youtube tags but I was asked to remove it since it doesn't totally fit. If you'd prefer to have it in the tags regardless, let me know.

Also thanks for MAKING the song! :D

It's okay! You don't have to add it. The genre of music is originally determined by the listener.


It's okay! You don't have to add it. The genre of music is originally determined by the listener.