
Hahaha, nice play bro. Sry about this slider

BeatmapForget Not

I can bring back this diff but in other mapset, maybe in future I will feel like to remap and then add to this mapset.

Loool you are so fast


Looking at your maps always make me smile :DDD


Hey, this map is so good. What do you think about trying to make this map ranked?

BeatmapForget Not

Also i looked at your profile and you are giga chad ;D

BeatmapForget Not

Unfortunately, I think it will never be, looking at the quality of other maps, my maps are so average. I have to work a lot on the patterns because half of it is uncomfortable to click. Maybe I'm wrong but these are my feelings.

BeatmapForget Not

I agree with you , I have plans to do easier diff than reminiscence, but I'm working currently on "Libera" by Ne Obliviscaris. I need a break from this song so I will make the new difficulty which maybe include intro as soon as I finish "Libera".

BeatmapForget Not

Intro sounds good but i don't think I can map it so that it would not be boring

even if it will be boring - song is beautiful and that is a fact. The only problem (skill issue) i have with the map - can't acc OD + AR and i wish OD was 8.5 instead... Farthest i've gone was 85%. Map is really cool though.


I agree with you , I have plans to do easier diff than reminiscence, but I'm working currently on "Libera" by Ne Obliviscaris. I need a break from this song so I will make the new difficulty which maybe include intro as soon as I finish "Libera".

Thanks to God that i check not ranked versions of this song <3 <3

Very nice progress from older wersion :DDDD i like this map very much <3


Very nice progress from older wersion :DDDD i like this map very much <3