

Point and laugh

Worst hr player.

beautiful map, mesmerizing to play

i cannot believe that today on osu we have such an amazing creator who has made the most incredible masterpieces of our time such as eindiko xeiridio has managed to become a regular with this absolutely phenomenal creation, we are truly gifted to have you with us

truly the best masterpiece i have ever played in my life, it has been a totally eye opening experience to play this kind of map on osu. You have managed to somehow teach me the meaning of life through a game about clicking circles, good job.

BeatmapPlasma Gun

lol no

BeatmapViolet Rose

Wow, this map is actually some of the most fun I have had trying to FC something in months. Fair play and well done!



not bad

ante bye re

It's not often I comment or praise a mapset but this is truly such a good mapset,the way you made everything connect and flow together while expressing almost every part of this rich song is mindblowing,incredible job!

isn't slider velocity based on bpm? That would make it pretty unstable. But if you are saying that sliders as a whole should count then i deffinetly agree

this is actually such a good ranked map. I dont often favourite maps but i gotta make an exception,because this map is fucking BRILLIANT

Good map Sotarks

BeatmapBwa !

play nomod or change the mp3 to nightcore vocal pitch and half time pitch instrumental


3 million plays on pkhg's insane. Thats nuts

hey i have a diff

oh wow awesomemac got a ranked map

yes i agree alot

mmm nice

Yooooo this is a massive but incredible update :O

it did get ranked!


time for me to lose number 1 on hard diff

ok fair enough


So it starts off as a easy map

then it goes ape shit


So it starts off as a easy map

then it goes ape shit