
forgor abt promethean mb


mazzerin wake up you gotta make a new cursed map

Meteo L-Drago DannyDoesStuff

kid named promethean kings:

DannyDoesStuff Meteo L-Drago

forgor abt promethean mb

song is ass but i love playing game

man i wish i bothered to read allat

copypasting this into my sewerslide note


forum only 1 digit misscount on leaderboard nomod btw


the discussion of this map is the only good thing to come out of it, gotta give rita some credit for that honestly


can i just say you possibly have one of the best list of graveyarded maps on this site, would be crazy to get most of these ranked somehow


honestly that number is bound to increase


e veryone and their grandmas gettin hr 1k with this something feels wrong

thecorno DannyDoesStuff

there is only 6 fcs, compare that with glory days, lionheart etc

honestly that number is bound to increase


first play and i already know this map is peak

BeatmapBat Country

thought of this song being on osu, thanks for making it come true

gotta be the biggest cope ive seen

it's insane how this got ranked.

and if i said a thing i bet i'd get third grade essays my way on how my opinion doesn't matter because i don't map lmfao

Map goes hard so far, keep going!

Very Long Edgy Difficulty Name

map is actually fun for its difficulty and synchronizes well good job </3 need this to be ranked or loved atleast

what the actual fuck this man just fc'ed mf dokito yomi yori twice

karcher hand in marriage

wish this was a bit more longer but still cool


disgusting map. anyway making it my top play for the memes


Lasse 写的 Zan ei 再一次便用非常 pp abusing 的 spacing changing 跳并且破坏了 osu pp meta. 我认为这图会在下一次的 rework 被 nerfed. 有很多 people 都将这图变成自己的 top play, 我认为这图是新的 2022 watercolor? PPY一定要尽早



It doesn't "kinda goes hard". It DOES goes hard

Kalanluu isn’t so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player who can memorize a 22 minute map with EZHTFL which makes the AR of the map only 1.47, and the note density becomes so much that most players can’t really tell what is going on. Don’t forget that this score is worth 1045 pp due to how flashlight affects pp on long maps. Kalanluu puts the game onto another level and we will be blessed if we see another player with his skill and passion for the game. badeu breaks records. FGSky breaks records. Kalanluu breaks the rules. You keep the statistics, I prefer the magic.

my mind is blown what the fuck

kalanluu you absolute lunatic


But well, it is what it is and the map is ranked and a lot of the other spreads are decent

Some of y'all gotta genuinely stop the bootlicking though, if any other mappers mapped something like that i reckon it'd have a much lower chance of getting ranked


I don't need to explain, that final diff is literally just spaced streams built to reach *12, that's shitty enough

And I never fucking said graveyarded maps are bad, what I'm saying is that this map deserves loved than ranked.

DannyDoesStuff DannyDoesStuff

But well, it is what it is and the map is ranked and a lot of the other spreads are decent

Some of y'all gotta genuinely stop the bootlicking though, if any other mappers mapped something like that i reckon it'd have a much lower chance of getting ranked


I'm not playing that map... This is actually one of my LEAST favorite maps in all of existence. Like I know I can fc this but this map is so fucking dogwater god awful... like bullshit underwater coral reef coffin level graveyard shitbag like fucked up catpiss catpoop map. This is like literal dirt... not even dirt its like sand blown away in this wind... its so BAAAAD. Its like salt and seawater... horrible.


ratio failed


the end stream is literally a triangle, alright say you perceive it as a star then how does that make anything different

that stream looks like a graveyarded map alone, and deserves loved status than ranked lmfao

[[[[[[ DannyDoesStuff

how is that stream bad tho? you didn't explain it

also stop pretending like graveyard maps are all bad there are alot of super cool map that got graveyard cuz the set owner don't care about ranking

I don't need to explain, that final diff is literally just spaced streams built to reach *12, that's shitty enough

And I never fucking said graveyarded maps are bad, what I'm saying is that this map deserves loved than ranked.

DannyDoesStuff DannyDoesStuff

But well, it is what it is and the map is ranked and a lot of the other spreads are decent

Some of y'all gotta genuinely stop the bootlicking though, if any other mappers mapped something like that i reckon it'd have a much lower chance of getting ranked


im disappointed that i missed the joke the first time i read this, very underrated comment lmfao


maybe those two examples aren't the best one, but there are definitely much more better maps deserving of ranked, this shit belongs in loved lol


makes sense, although if im not mistaken 5 min+ maps without spreads should be able to reach ranked status

DannyDoesStuff DannyDoesStuff

maybe those two examples aren't the best one, but there are definitely much more better maps deserving of ranked, this shit belongs in loved lol


very much true


the op is correct, there are a lot of graveyarded maps more deserving of ranked status, and this is one of those maps that gets ranked first? bns gotta step up their game because what the fuck

Ixcors DannyDoesStuff

very true, but the two examples mentioned don't even have spreads lol.

makes sense, although if im not mistaken 5 min+ maps without spreads should be able to reach ranked status

DannyDoesStuff DannyDoesStuff

maybe those two examples aren't the best one, but there are definitely much more better maps deserving of ranked, this shit belongs in loved lol


BeatmapSave Me

i just want to give the mapper a kiss on the cheek, ive just passed this for the first time and i must say this is one of the most satisfying stream maps i've ever played. it really feels like i've accomplished something in the end plus the song is really good too. thanks for this map <3

thanks for first 300pp play



they fucking nerfed it im crying rn

they fucking murdered the FL scores holy shit


i am shitting myself right now, we're very close to seeing shegay's score being sniped. gj frankie

BeatmapThe Deceit

everyone be sleeping on shimon, sure khz is insane but give him some recognition atleast lmfao

mega degens


GYZE - HONESTY [Very Long and annoying diffname]


bro someone has a +NFHDDTHRFL play in the top 50s at the moment lmfaoooo

i never said it was a bad map, i simply said a map like this could be ranked in less than a month while there are still other good maps out there graveyarded forever probably

man this map really gets ranked earlier than any other good maps that are still graveyarded till this day, really makes you wonder

Nugget The Cat DannyDoesStuff

this is a good map you buffoon

DannyDoesStuff Nugget The Cat

i never said it was a bad map, i simply said a map like this could be ranked in less than a month while there are still other good maps out there graveyarded forever probably


i never said it was a bad map, i simply said a map like this could be ranked in less than a month while there are still other good maps out there graveyarded forever probably