please rank this
Oh lol, people were comparing blue dragons and mismagius' map, turns out it's the same person.😅😅😅
I don't usually get osu jokes and memes so whats it with blue dragon and mismagius???
So they're the same person? I've seen comparisons of him and blue dragon
blue dragon in 2010 mapped big black later on changed his name to mismagius and now its like the meme of spiderman pointing at himself
I absolutely adore this mapping style, reminds me of sakura no uta
Isn't big black already mapped by blue dragon? Never heard of mismagius being a mapper before. Good luck trying to beat blue dragon's mapset. I hope it gets ranked!
The blue dragon/mismagius joke isn't funny it's been done a thousand times
Pp change has no effect on game settings, so u might wanna see if u enabled raw input or not, for touch device, better to turn raw input off
Disable raw input pls
This map better be loved at the very least, dont let it go to the graveyard
btw master diff is a lot of fun, cool map in the midst of jump maps
i know im a low acc farmer but jesus the master's diff od is too high, it should be 6*ish cuz of the od
What's wrong with insane? I see quite a lot of people complaining as well
its the latter
0:43's art style is so awesome and unique!!
wtf why did it get de-qualified??
this map must've been inspired by Sega Maimai DX! was waiting for someone to map this
this is such a catchy song! i wonder why this song isn't popular??? also, nice map mapper-san!
why is this map not ranked?? it's better than the ranked version lol
This beatmap is Underrated! but i wish there's a video though