Thanks for your comment and input! I was prepared to receive this kind of comment so please allow me to explain my reasoning.
Ever since the first approval changes, there hasn't been a noticeable attempt to make a set for this wonderful song. It's such an impactful song that only Saten's version was getting all the attention. I thought to myself why nobody has mapped a set for this song yet, since I'm 100% certain that I'm not the only one wishing for a Hard or Normal difficulty for this song, thus the reason I decided to map it because it didn't seem like anybody will - given the length of the song and the time needed to solo map an entire set. Regardless of the matter, I had no intentions to compare my map with Saten's because I respect his version, and all the wonderful mappers who've mapped this song and submitted before me. This was also a test for myself to see what I could do on my own because up until now, all of my maps have Guest Diffs of some sort and because of that I needed to know how far I could reach if I did everything myself.
Hopefully this clears up my intentions! I would also gladly appreciate and accept any feedback and constructive criticism about my mapping so I can do my best to please more players!
Thanks for your support and love guys <3
(my first attempt at constructive critism orz)
I have played Saten's map a lot and i can definitely say that i prefer your version. Saten's map have a lot of random jumps that doesn't match the song at all. I never understood why he chose to put the jump where he put them and it always feels wrong to play it, especially in HD when i'm relying on the music a lot. It's one of the only jump map i never really liked (and i love jump maps overall). In your map the jump makes way more sense and that's why overall it's way more pleasant to play for me.
I will never say that your map is better than saten's (because seriously, you can't judge a map objectively) but i can safely say that i appreciated it better.
I don't say it's perfect though. There are stil some patterns that bugged me (like 03:37:459 (4,1) - 03:41:459 (4,1) - etc... for example) and i also think the overall aesthetic could be improved. As it stands this is mostly the same angular jumps used over and over with some blankets (and some of them are off like 01:48:126 (2,3)) which quickly feels very repetitive. Especially on a 5min song.
But still, a NHI on a song that long is not really common and congratulation for mapping it alone and ranking it.
I, for one, prefer the increased object density and use of 1/2 sliders in saten's map. I believe this matches the intensity of the song pretty well (not to mention the 1000 fun cross screen jumps). There are quite a few 1/1 sliders in this version that I feel slow down the pace of the song (saten's version also had a few 1/1 sliders but I feel they were placed more appropriately). However, this version is pretty well mapped and having two versions will mean someone who can't play saten's set can still enjoy the song with this version.
In which way?