
"rank 5000 or higher" so we can see people with 1kpp facing the top 50 worldwide

Edgar_Figaro Grevgy79

Well I mean even if really low ranked players (around 5000) sign-up they won't actually end up playing for a few reasons:

1. Their country will have plenty of good players that sign up so they won't get picked by team captain
2. They are actually one of the top in their country since they belong to a smaller country, but their country will:
a. Not have enough players high enough rank that sign up to form a team
b. Their team won't be in the tournament as not one of the top 32 countries strength wise.

Honestly the 5K rank or higher is kinda silly. I am rank 1.2K and I know for a fact I have no business signing up for CWC. Not that US would take me on the team but I'd get demolished.

Grevgy79 Edgar_Figaro

Well, in my country there are 2 guys with 2kpp who are in the cwc team, even if people with 10kpp subsribed for it. This is stupid

Kasumi-sama Grevgy79

i'm ready

Kuya Frex Grevgy79

Challenge accepted bro haha

Clean Panties Grevgy79

since when was people with rank 5000 have 1k pp? they have like 5.5k+

Cabbig Clean Panties

catch is not played as often as standard so you dont need as much pp for those ranks also its like 1.65k pp

Zoel Clean Panties

I have 1684pp and I'm #4863 so yeah

Realmaas Clean Panties

Not in ctb mate

LeafyStorm Grevgy79

...Has that even happened before?


...Has that even happened before?