
Aww, thank you for such an adorable message <3 It makes me happy to hear you liked the map, always is a good motivation for the such big support you give me!

The background names were cooked so hard because each girl is a wife material, and if you'll play the game, I don't think you can say that I'm wrong =w=

trumptheduck tomatas95

And I have to blame you for my moege addiction. Please take responsibility


Hey, we take that as blessing, welcome to the world of eroge =v=

trumptheduck tomatas95

I cannot admit it for fear that my mom Tsumugi might suffocate me to death with her breasts


Did you mean the greatest onee-chan Touko? She's one of my favorites.. severely underrated!!!


Did you mean the greatest onee-chan Touko? She's one of my favorites.. severely underrated!!!