
Someone please explain to me how tf Divine is only 4.97 stars???? It's harder than most 5.7 star maps!!

Pet_Hedgehog SideQuestsSuck

the map is purely jump centered, it is a skill that is most accessible for everyone, if you're having issues with the map try changing your sensitivity/area, try different grip positions until you feel locked in maybe even your skin isn't very clear, practice some easy constant jump maps and you'll ss this in no time.
As for harder than 5.7 star maps, that is highly variable, yes there's some 5.7 stars that might be easier but there's also 4.5 star maps that are way harder than this, something like tech is even more subject for this discussion as the skills for tech are much harder to perfect. Who knows maybe jump and eventually aim maps are not for you, but maybe you are incredible at streams, it is all subject to personal variations and circumstances, no rating can ever be perfect for everyone, only for the vast majority.

thisisanameyeet SideQuestsSuck

and I thought I sucked at jumps

KarolF SideQuestsSuck

it isn't though


it isn't though