
i retried this 380 fucking times and now im here with a top lb score after finally memorizing the map.

you guys whining and complaining need to realize this is MEANT to be a troll memorization map, thats the whole gimmick. the bursts are overmapped like hell and its REALLY annoying lol, but the song (and obviously the source game this is from) very much warrant this type of mapping.

was it worth memorizing this? lol probably not, but this was a really interesting challenge and osu needs more content like this in ranked id argue.

preach yo shit king, its nice having a memorization map that is (relatively) simple and isnt too annoying to grind out due to it being short and mechanically easy


preach yo shit king, its nice having a memorization map that is (relatively) simple and isnt too annoying to grind out due to it being short and mechanically easy