It's coming in the next rework soon(no clue how soon is soon, could be like 6 months for all I know) From what I've seen at least the nerfs on the HT star rating is like almost .2 lower on most maps above 6 stars however thats excluding the normal nerf of the actual map so its much closer to like .6 of a nerf. I honestly think after the rework rebirth will be about 7.4 stars on HT maybe even 7.3
It's coming in the next rework soon(no clue how soon is soon, could be like 6 months for all I know) From what I've seen at least the nerfs on the HT star rating is like almost .2 lower on most maps above 6 stars however thats excluding the normal nerf of the actual map so its much closer to like .6 of a nerf. I honestly think after the rework rebirth will be about 7.4 stars on HT maybe even 7.3