
why dont you look at the map for the work behind it instead of a number that isnt entirely on the mapper's control

-mint- kilotek

im absolutely SICK and TIRED of people saying that it's out of the mapper's control. everyone keeps insisting on living in this fantasy land, but mappers absolutely know what they're doing with inflated SR -- and believe me, i would know

mappers keep feigning ignorance and pretending they're all so innocent and it's actually the system that's broken, when in reality there is a very limited palette of arrangements that result in over-inflated maps

it really shouldn't be that hard to pull the map's SR down a reasonable amount. it was done for HALL, it was done for Cybernetic Mastermind. notice how those maps are still farm, just not to an absurd degree

tbh if we compare HALL or cybernetic mastermind, or any non-"absurd" recent farm map to the older farm maps from like 5 years ago, well those recent maps immediately become absurd compared to the old ones. The reason why you say it is not absurd is because absurd LN farm kinda became a norm in the ranked section, and if we keep going like that, the cursor will probably move again in the future and rebirth the end will be percieved as "just farm" and there's gonna be a 12* map where a lot of people are gonna get 1400pp or so on it. Blue Zenith and Triumph & Regret were percieved as absurd farm back in the days, and now a lot of people don't even have them in their top plays despite farming a lot.

I want to specify that I'm not saying that anything is good or bad, my point is that saying that Rebirth is farm to an absurd degree but not HALL is kinda wrong.

Besides that I agree that mappers have control over this, but kilotek's point wasn't that mappers have no control, but that they only have some control. Sometimes you want to make a pattern that you find nice and it happens to be inflating the SR (I remember you mentioning an LN burst in Tremendous saying the SR increase wasn't intended). And in the same way that a mapper shouldn't put inflated patterns on purpose, prioritizing SR over anything else, a mapper shouldn't try to deflate the SR of their map because the pattern they find best fitting is inflating the SR.

Sorry for big number of words

SmupieBigArm kilotek

im not calling the chart bad at all im just saying that this is not something that should be ranked its obvious this map has a bloated * rating if this was simply a loved chart it would make sense but all ima see now is HT plays worth 700pp i dont want 4k to go down this pp farm rabbit hole with the most over the top bloated LN maps ranked like 7k

_Reset SmupieBigArm

pretty sure it already went down that rabbithole a while ago

also nothing in rc states that inflated/farmy maps cant get ranked (and there's nothing objectively wrong with rankin that kind of stuff) and i doubt it'll ever change so 🤷‍♂️

spitskool kilotek

It is, however, in the control of bn's to get this ranked or not. Sure the mapper cannot decide how much pp will be farmed with their map, however you can still acknowledge the work behind a map if it's loved instead of ranked.

Rushenality kilotek

While you're bringing up a good point, it is cleary visible that the map was made as a farm/10* hardest map with pp in mind.

[GB]Rick Rushenality

i'm not going to take anyone's parts, i wont deny that this map is REALLY inflated, but this comment is WRONG on so many levels. trust me, i know everything about the map, and it wasnt made just to achieve the 'haha 10*', youre throwing down all the effort behind the making of it with this point which barely holds any water, but whatever i guess

kilotek Rushenality

even if it was it doesnt change the fact this is carefully crafted and has gone an insane amount of effort and passion, and teamwork :p
way too many people overshadow a map’s quality with the fact its farm or not, and i believe thats kinda scuffed
also yeah this is by far the hardest map ranked to date

Jeno kilotek

Someone understand…


Someone understand…