
i don't understand how someone can make a map so uninspired and boring to play that a map of the same song made 10 years before it can be more fun. i'm genuinely so sick and tired of people mapping to fit this meta, yeah the maps clean but there's nothing good going for it, nothing to make it unique from all the other maps it copies in an attempt to boost its sr, no variation/improvisation in the patterning to make it more engaging, there is nothing to this. this is a huge step down from your other maps and i'm disappointed to see it


idk maybe stop farming

well how exactly are you expecting me to know what a map is going to be like if i didn't play it? i don't get what you're trying to say here


i think It's a good map with a good density control so as not to make everything a stream
also i don't think his map is terrible because it's a good mapping style, not a map that copies everything like mine

AlloRus Eriha

i agree its a good map


i don't understand how someone can make a map so uninspired and boring to play that a map of the same song made 10 years before it can be more fun. i'm genuinely so sick and tired of people mapping to fit this meta, yeah the maps clean but there's nothing good going for it, nothing to make it unique from all the other maps it copies in an attempt to boost its sr, no variation/improvisation in the patterning to make it more engaging, there is nothing to this. this is a huge step down from your other maps and i'm disappointed to see it




as a non taiko player i could not agree more


as a non taiko player i could not agree more