Could you elaborate? What makes this a bad map? Bad maps shouldn't be ranked, especially if they're "really bad". I'd love to be able to DQ this and fix it so that it's at its best state for ranking. Thanks so much in advance, and I hope you have a wonderful day
Of course that's given that you actually feel like taking the time to better the qualified maps queue. You obviously care enough to say that the map is bad, but complaining about something being bad without any other help just makes you look just as sad as your failed score that's not on the map leaderboard
If by failed score you mean one I didn't feel like completing, then yes. There's no way for you to make me like this map - it's not a type I will ever particularly enjoy and one where I would go into the editor and strip away all the SV changes - thus making it nothing special anymore.
I wouldn't have even had this map if someone didn't go to me and say "Hey play this." anyways. If you can't handle people who think it's bad as much as people who think it's good I don't know what to say to you. If you won't ask anyone that leaves a positive comment what makes it a good map but rather only address people that don't like the map, what the fuck are you doing?
It's my decision to decide never to play it again -I just comment and move on just like a bunch of other people have done.
did you miss my request? If you have constructive criticism then sure I'll definitely take it to hand. However, "i see a really bad map" is like me going like "I see a really bad 4k player trying to play my map". It doesn't help and it makes you look like kinda bad. Thanks so much for the constructive feedback, it definitely leads to productive discussion. yelling about bad maps definitely pushes the mapping community further and in more positive directions, right?
In the end, you don't like the SV changes. Why? Is it because they're too hard and you're too lazy to learn the patterns? Is it because it doesn't conform to your standard of map? You said it yourself. if you strip the SVs from the map, it becomes pretty normal and non-special. The reason this map is what it is, is because of the SVs.
Like, the fact that people dislike it is fine, but the fact that you desire to make your opinion known where it matters almost none, and is pretty much the biggest thing holding back the mania community, really irks me, and quite obviously, a lot of people. You claim to love 4k so much, but by pushing maps that are pushing boundaries away without any good reason
since it's unfun being bad at SV maps, thanks for your amazing input - i'll store that away in the recycling bin so that you can re-use your irrational hatred towards other maps too! Have a beautiful day if you aren't already!
did you miss my request? If you have constructive criticism then sure I'll definitely take it to hand. However, "i see a really bad map" is like me going like "I see a really bad 4k player trying to play my map". It doesn't help and it makes you look like kinda bad. Thanks so much for the constructive feedback, it definitely leads to productive discussion. yelling about bad maps definitely pushes the mapping community further and in more positive directions, right?
In the end, you don't like the SV changes. Why? Is it because they're too hard and you're too lazy to learn the patterns? Is it because it doesn't conform to your standard of map? You said it yourself. if you strip the SVs from the map, it becomes pretty normal and non-special. The reason this map is what it is, is because of the SVs.
Like, the fact that people dislike it is fine, but the fact that you desire to make your opinion known where it matters almost none, and is pretty much the biggest thing holding back the mania community, really irks me, and quite obviously, a lot of people. You claim to love 4k so much, but by pushing maps that are pushing boundaries away without any good reason
since it's unfun being bad at SV maps, thanks for your amazing input - i'll store that away in the recycling bin so that you can re-use your irrational hatred towards other maps too! Have a beautiful day if you aren't already!