
take a shot for every comment this will get from std npcs commenting shit about taiko getting the best songs, bns doing shit, or asking if taiko is ok

tilda Zennan

alcohol poisoning

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

buxi_ Zennan

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

Linennight Zennan

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

Leviathan Zennan

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

Zennan Zennan

how to stop receiving notifications on osu comment

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

IWBTG Zennan

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

gotomasss Zennan

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

-Koyomi Zennan

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

RJbyM Zennan

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

tity Zennan

wtf taiko getting the best songs!!! our bns aint doin shit????? is taiko ok

all valid questions and claims


all valid questions and claims