
I was gonna say the same. It's fucking disgusting

KAITO thighs Roro-san

Hmm I figured out the person is a 14 year old who can actually do art but for some reason decided to do AI on this one. I found their discord and I'm currently trying to talk to them. I just feel bad because I'm afraid that person feels like their art isn't good enough and that's why they resorted to using AI. Still, it's wrong and they seem to be intentionally trying to deceive people. But in the end they're young so I'm trying to be more understanding

Roro-san KAITO thighs

Fck, I see..Even if I don't feel like it's an actual excuse, im kinda angry, we are the one that promote the stopping of IA art from "exterior" people and someone do it..Hope they're not gonna continue this and hope u will help them despite all. Send me a message if there's something new, I know too well the phase when your own art just disgust you


Fck, I see..Even if I don't feel like it's an actual excuse, im kinda angry, we are the one that promote the stopping of IA art from "exterior" people and someone do it..Hope they're not gonna continue this and hope u will help them despite all. Send me a message if there's something new, I know too well the phase when your own art just disgust you