Oh dear, I am sorry for being so late to answer your question but here I go!
Basically, the original mix was looped into lasting 69 minutes. However, I was "clever" enough to forget to keep the project properly saved. This wouldn't be a problem if the song rendered properly. However, during the rendering process my PC froze and it stopped at those thirty-something seconds, so here we only have the short version. This version, the only surviving one, is so short it would work as a TV Size, thus I decided to be original and keep the naming as accurate as it is. I could have called it "Mały Kac" ("A Little Hangover") version/mix but I decided to just keep it the very osu!/weeb/2in1 way so it gets more appropriate within the game itself. Mind you, the song hasn't been released anywhere else as of today, so it works just fine even now... at least in my opinion!
And last, but not least, I am the author of this piece, so why would I not do it that way? It's very Krfawy now! o3o
i dunno, just know the mapper made the song