Duskyui Friggy-chan

booba isn't the problem, the double-standards are

dong Friggy-chan

the problem is no scary background but the booba background is ok. both should be ok.

Dab dong

i can get behind not allowing phoebe's art (even though its shitty that it wasn't clarified that they cant submit something like that, fault on their end still) but the boob bg really shouldn't be allowed either if they're gonna pull the "think of the kids" defense in the same breath lmfao

Porukana Friggy-chan

lol uh- I think that argument (although valid) doesn't work here lol. And most people are just upset that spooky entry got out because it was "not suitable for younger audiences" but booba entry... yknow - not because we hate booba.


lol uh- I think that argument (although valid) doesn't work here lol. And most people are just upset that spooky entry got out because it was "not suitable for younger audiences" but booba entry... yknow - not because we hate booba.