beatmap history
Issue #4877288 by Gorou marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4864609 by killian marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4844777 by Confetto marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4844766 by Confetto marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4844768 by Confetto marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4844769 by Confetto marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4844767 by Confetto marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4839758 by KeyWee marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4833044 by Sparhten marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4823735 by Stompy_ marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4823729 by Stompy_ marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4823718 by Stompy_ marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4810980 by Gust marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4810983 by Gust marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4809207 by Confetto marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4809206 by Confetto marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4809204 by Confetto marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4809203 by Confetto marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4808841 by Daycore marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4808839 by Daycore marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4808838 by Daycore marked as resolved by __Ag.
Discussion #4804733 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Resolved issue #4804513 by __Ag reopened by __Ag.
Discussion #4804513 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Resolved issue #4744882 by SparkNights reopened by __Ag.
Discussion #4787917 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4787913 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4787916 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4787910 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4783283 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4787908 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4787902 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4786236 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4784683 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4783299 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4783293 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4783289 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Resolved issue #4781704 by __Ag reopened by __Ag.
Discussion #4781715 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4781710 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4781704 by __Ag obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #4774960 by Mafumafu marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4774959 by Mafumafu marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4772282 by JoshywaBoo marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4772280 by JoshywaBoo marked as resolved by __Ag.
Owner of difficulty Narcissu's Advanced changed to Narcissu. (__Ag)
Issue #4768979 by JoshywaBoo marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4768937 by JoshywaBoo marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4768893 by JoshywaBoo marked as resolved by __Ag.
Issue #4768917 by JoshywaBoo marked as resolved by __Ag.