beatmap history
Language changed from Unspecified to Instrumental. (Matrix)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Electronic. (Matrix)
Language changed from Unspecified to Instrumental. (Matrix)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Electronic. (Matrix)
Issue #4625331 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4564412 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4566449 by Wispy marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4564415 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4564454 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4564420 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4607766 by Dada marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4607779 by Dada marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4607777 by Dada marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4564410 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4607792 by Dada marked as resolved by Matrix.
Discussion #4538043 by Matrix obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Owner of difficulty Wispy's Insane changed to Wispy. (Matrix)
Owner of difficulty KK's Hard changed to Sanch-KK. (Matrix)
Owner of difficulty Dash's Normal changed to Dashyy-. (Matrix)
Issue #4397441 by BanchoBot marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4390445 by dasdwqdf marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4393881 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4388895 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4388865 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4390448 by dasdwqdf marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4390447 by dasdwqdf marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4390446 by dasdwqdf marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4390445 by dasdwqdf marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4390444 by dasdwqdf marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4388871 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4388862 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4390454 by dasdwqdf marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4388859 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4388870 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4388883 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4388886 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4388889 by Mirash marked as resolved by Matrix.
Owner of difficulty fllecc's Hard changed to fllecc. (Matrix)
Owner of difficulty Icekalt's Extreme changed to Icekalt. (Matrix)
Owner of difficulty Florescence's Extreme changed to Florescence. (Matrix)
Owner of difficulty fanzhen0019's Extra changed to fanzhen0019. (Matrix)
Owner of difficulty Rolniczy's Extra changed to vergil chair. (Matrix)
Owner of difficulty fllecc's Hard changed to fllecc. (Matrix)
Owner of difficulty Florescence's Insane changed to Florescence. (Matrix)
Issue #4310653 by fieryrage marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4310651 by fieryrage marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4310650 by fieryrage marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4304587 by fieryrage marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4310648 by fieryrage marked as resolved by Matrix.
Issue #4310645 by fieryrage marked as resolved by Matrix.