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too banger
insane map, had fun with it
extreme diff seriously fun
awesome sauce
banger as always
NEw cygnus ranked :fire:
the extreme diff is the best thing to come out of the recently ranked section this month
nvm this entire map is!! what a banger set thank you matrix
my goat
is it a book that is full of dark magic or is it a dark book that is full of normal magic
she's 12
so? i doubt he is gonna use the picture for any strange purposes
Needs a taiko set
Everything about this is so fucking sick I love it
omg another banger dropped, +1 to my spotify playlist
No way
THIS GOT QUALIFIED??????????????????????????
Am I tripping or did there originally used to be an icekalt diff on this
ебейший трек
sick set
amazing song, shit song
holy fuark... this is so good..
its ranked now!