beatmap discussions

02:02:247 (122247|5,122414|1) - delete and move 02:02:497 (122497|2) - one col left
02:03:747 (123747|1,123914|5,123997|4,124080|1) - del, 02:03:830 (123830|0) - change to 1/2 length ln, 02:04:164 - add note

apply same to 02:12:164 -


01:32:164 - for this section, make the lns rice and change the grace notes into a single small ln


00:51:914 - schizo notes. just put on prominent sounds. the double mini ln only really comes in starting 01:00:914 -


00:06:830 (6830|6,6914|5,6997|4) - ctrl+g and then ctrl+h and then move to right. Doing so helps create a separation between this sound and the next one 00:07:164 - , yes you might say "the ln is shortened so that's the difference" but it's not enough because they're both 1/4.

apply for all cases in the map


02:57:168 - can probably do better here, i could suggest pattern but my style is too much.
03:08:203 - same


00:58:117 - add note
01:00:875 - add note
01:01:565 - remove note

if applied, change second half too


05:13:097 - higher snap and smoother/straighter pattern for this sound


04:57:926 - same representation for different sound = no good


04:56:126 - this FWOOK sound is a little soft compared to the ending curve
which means it's either overemphasized here or it's under mapped at the end

suggest to remap this screenshot


04:53:469 -
these are mapped on different sounds.
one is mapped on gu-NYANG and the other on GU-nyang


04:49:783 - 1/5 snap


04:46:697 - 1/7 snap


02:47:424 - 03:26:319 - for this bit which you requested, just listen to the sounds. stop where it stops and extend it where it extends. don't extend it when it stops or stop it when it extends. UNLESS you have a vision and image in mind that you want to print out which is representative of how you view the music. otherwise it'll just feel weird. check this reference for my rough interpretation

00:12:540 - for this, listen to when the flow changes and match that change. you can use whatever pattern possible as long as you match the direction of change. so for example 00:13:587 (13587|2,13674|0,13761|4,13848|3,13936|2,13936|1) - this one the direction is going left (red) when it should be going right (green)

00:18:471 - as for this muffling sound, you can achieve representation by making the patterns cramped. because if you think about it, open sounds feels broad and spread out; basically freedom. but muffled sounds are suffocating and cramped; so you achieve that through compact and tight patterns. i.e.

00:37:133 (37133|4) - starting from here the LNs start to slur so you can extend them. 00:38:354 (38354|1) - here they soften so prepare the change, and finally 00:38:703 (38703|3) - the sound clears up here again so you can keep 1/4 length

01:34:750 - add note here and 01:34:808 - (if you want)

03:48:994 - 03:49:517 - check reference for actual snaps (if you want again)

04:21:610 - check ref


try and use pitch as a way to structure your map. right now, although definitely playable, it feels kinda random.
an example would be having these notes in the same column 01:10:919 (70919|0,71436|2) -
and like having higher notes on the right side and lower notes on the left (unlike 01:11:609 (71609|0,72298|5) - )

for these kind of staccato sounds like 01:13:678 - , having jacks would be a great way to achieve that feeling.

for this section 01:43:333 - try not to keep separating the notes like that. it doesn't flow very nicely and feels broken up which isn't what the music conveys. check this short example for reference

you should play with higher snap divisors like 1/6 or 1/5 for 02:16:781 - and then reverting back to 1/4 02:17:126 - and then for 02:18:161 - use a snap divisor higher than 02:16:781 - since the pitch of that whirl is higher so you can make it faster. check reference.

try and save 02:28:419 (148419|3) - this specifically for this kind of sound and not use it here 02:28:764 (148764|2) - . basically only use LNs to represent the violin and nothing else because that's the most prominent sound. you can use rice to do the wubs in the background. OR make it distinguishable enough for players through pattern.

can go more ham with the LNs here 04:05:402 - listen to the sound and then imagine it, and make it come to life visually. don't care too much about rules or restrictions since this bit really calls for it. and you can always fix later


I'm just going to go through the ergonomics of this map and whether it matches up with the music.


00:37:983 - does this sound like a smooth sound or a broken up sound? if smooth why is the pattern broken up and snaps staggered.


00:41:983 (41983|0,42108|1,42233|6,42358|5) - visually it's cool but if you think about it from your fingers' standpoint, you have to be holding down while doing 4-5 note chord jacks. wouldn't you feel stifled and cramped? is this really what the music conveys at this time?


00:46:733 - why is the direction changing when the music isn't even changing? "you can just manip it" sure. but doesn't change the fact that it's unrepresentative of the music and unnecessary.


00:54:983 - this pattern very cool, can't deny that. but as a player all i can imagine is the amount of 200s that i'll end up getting no matter how well i play that. it's almost like a luck section. because if you think about it, you're not allowed to manip because of the short lns so you're forced to play that properly but the direction changes as well which makes it even more cancerous to play. this looks amazing in theory, matches music very well, but in reality it's cancerous to play. OD7 too btw

The rest of the map is quite decent so i have no issues with it. I just hope that future tech ln mappers will take the ergonomics and playability into mind and not just focus on the visuals. because what really makes a map fun is the combination of good visuals and good finger feel.


02:54:791 - vs 02:56:202 - what's the difference in terms of the sound? for the first one the voice is smooth 02:54:967 (174967|3,174996|4,175055|5) - and that section ends quick. for the second one the voice has a little vibrato 02:56:467 - and the sound lasts more than the first. so pattern? shouldn't be the same but flipped


02:48:438 (168438|2,168438|1,168496|3,168555|4,168614|5) - sounds different to 02:47:379 (167379|5,167438|4,167496|3,167555|2) - when mapping vocals, it's best to listen properly to the differences so you can reflect that with your mapping. like 02:47:379 - sounds flatter so that pattern is fine, whereas here 02:48:438 - it sounds very extended and wide/broad so if you use the same thing but flipped, it feels off


00:58:320 - and 00:59:026 - is higher than the previous two なぜs. maybe consider a different pattern instead of flipping.


01:59:495 - why not start it here and then you can have a long pause 02:00:210 - so this 02:00:388 - feels stronger


01:08:960 - this lag sv for a は~い! is just too much.


01:16:460 (76460|3,76460|6,76549|5,76549|2) - kinda heavy for a ghost note


00:07:388 - from here, you can add rice on 1/5 snapping


00:00:745 - so for the intro, it's actually 1/8 but it skips 1 snapping.

and then for 00:02:888 - where the sound changes, you can do something like or


00:49:853 - too fast. 1/8 max


00:40:478 (40478|3,40835|2,41192|4,41549|1) - these belong 1 blue line up (1/4 snapping). aka shift up to 00:41:013 -
00:44:049 (44049|4,44406|2) - these too


05:28:955 - for this section, don't do stuff like where you use 1/16 but have gaps. use lower snap divisor instead otherwise it doesn't look good. save 1/16 for the EEEEEEEE sounds


02:33:916 - 02:35:516 - can do better
just an example for reference


02:32:316 - just do 3-1-3-1-3-1-3-1 (density)


01:57:908 - 01:58:937 - no breaks for jack. i.e.


from 01:27:737 - 01:38:708 - i suggest the 3 sounds have no jack. 3 sounds meaning 01:27:737 (87737|6,87851|5,87965|4) - 01:28:422 (88422|4,88537|5,88651|6) - and so on
so you can do like 4-3-4 patterns (density)

but after 01:38:708 - you can start to use jacks, just 1 or 2 at most


00:57:565 - for this bit, put 3 notes on 00:57:908 - 00:58:251 - 00:58:508 - 00:58:765 -
two for piano or other sounds 00:58:079 - 00:58:422 - 00:58:594 - (maybe 3 for this one)


00:54:222 - something like ?
also make the minijacks here 00:54:822 - 00:55:851 - more consistent


00:39:051 (39051|3,39094|4,39137|2,39179|3) - 1/9, probably change pattern a little

do the same for rest of section


00:15:908 - 1/7, 1/12, 1/16


change the red and green timing points to these offsets respectively
the rest are accurate

the trick to resnapping everything is:
first go to the very first note at 00:05:451 - and ctrl + a to select all, ctrl + x to cut, and then finally (making sure you're on the correct snap) ctrl + v to paste

after that you need to move to 04:00:841 - and shift the 3rd column LN down a bit more so you don't select it. click drag and select all columns, press space and then press V (to skip to end). ctrl x, ctrl v.

ah also, select all from 03:10:275 - to 03:56:162 - and do the same. resnap the 3rd column LN start and end to proper position (the one mentioned just before)


looking good


05:16:473 - this is the pattern of the sound


04:22:635 - not sure if you can do this with this sound. looks cool but doesn't fit


04:15:338 - what are these meant to represent?


02:55:351 (175351|5,175675|5) - use 1/6 snapping instead (2/6 length)
