beatmap discussions

amazing collab




fllecc rechecked, i made these changes:
insane diff 02:27:448 (1) - removed nc
removed instrumental from tags


have a hy-hy-hyhy-hy-hyhyhype!




03:40:046 (3,4) - i feel like this is a bit of a diffspike and could be nerfed, maybe just stack onto 03:40:208 (1) since the rest of the part is pretty chill anyway


02:48:965 (1) - yeah um im adding a 4th praise to this slider!!


03:08:425 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i think the spacing of these could be lowered, and 03:09:398 (1,2,3,4) spaced a lot more, since the piano rises and becomes very high at the end


01:39:722 (2) - could be 3/4 to emphasise the high note, since its very different from 01:29:344 (2)


01:27:884 (1,2) - i think spacing could be buffed here since its like the climax of the piano scale buildup


01:26:911 - 01:27:560 - this feels a bit empty when the song is sounding very full with the continuous piano scale, maybe try a rhythm like this which would fill the 1/1 gaps a bit more (while preserving the symmetry):


00:52:046 - this feels a bit too important to be mapped passively, maybe make 00:51:722 (1) end at the blue tick and put a circle here


00:45:722 (3,4) - 00:45:884 is a lot more important than 00:46:046 here since it has the long vocal thats on a high note as well, so would be better as a circle at 00:45:722 and a 1/2 slider at 00:45:884 imo

so same rhythm as 00:48:316 (4,5), 00:50:911 (4,5)


00:16:857 (3) - could be a 3/4 slider (and nc) to keep the feeling of long note - short note from 00:10:695 (1,2,1,2), rn the 1/1 gap feels a bit awkward


03:27:235 (2) - maybe move down and right a little bit for visuals


02:48:965 - put a circle here (or move start of break to here)?


02:47:668 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this might a bit hard to tap for a hard diff, could just be two 1/4 double reverse sliders, or a quint and a 1/4 double reverse slider


02:46:587 (2,3,4) - this is quite hard to read (similarly to 1910869#4735992), i'd move this to start at 02:46:695 and extend 02:46:208 (1) to the red tick


02:25:695 (1) - feels better if it just ends at 02:28:208 imo, 02:27:884 isnt a very important note in the melody anyway


02:04:857 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - placing sliderheads at red ticks here is kinda counterintuitive and hard to read, i'd suggest making 02:04:857 - 02:06:073 four double reverse sliders, or a quint and three double reverse sliders, especially since the red ticks arent emphasising anything since the piano is just playing a scale upwards here


01:27:560 (3,4,5,6) - 01:37:938 (3,4,5,6) - while i do get that the piano scale goes up, i feel like this might be too hard to react to, maybe just make 01:27:560 (3) a double reverse slider


01:20:749 - 01:24:803 - this part could do with a spacing buff since the song here is more intense than the previous part


00:36:641 (1,2,3) - this is quite confusing and actively maps sounds that arent really important at all, i'd make this two sliders with the second one starting at 00:37:289, which falls on a cymbal anyway


00:17:289 (2) - could start at 00:17:181, same concept as 1910869#4735937


02:49:046 (1) - i think this works better without a spinner, since the song calms down pretty suddenly


02:28:208 - theres no vocal here and this tick isnt that important in the song, so might be better to end the spinner here and start the circles at 02:28:371


02:15:722 - 02:20:425 - the bursts here are a huge diffspike and could definitely be nerfed, a scale by 0.7x for each of them should be fine


02:06:154 - im not sure if we're hearing the melody differently here but for me, the melodic phrases start at 02:06:154 - 02:06:641 - 02:07:127 - 02:07:452 - 02:07:452 - 02:07:938 - 02:08:425 - 02:08:911
so here i'd delete 02:06:154 (8) and move 02:06:316 (1,2,3,4,5) to 02:06:154, basically start the bursts at the start of the phrases, and so on until 02:08:911 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) which would be mapped correctly


01:34:695 (7) - this is the highest note in the melody so i'd make this a 1/4 slider for emphasis


01:25:938 (1,2) - ほら SnowMix♪~


01:20:749 - i think a sv change to 1.2x-1.3x here would be nice to make a difference from the previous part, since the song intensity increases a lot here, would also lead into the jumps at 01:23:344 (1,2,3,4) and 1.5x sv at 01:25:938 (1,2) better


00:39:345 (1) - could end this spinner at 00:42:965 which is much more melodically important


00:36:641 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - could do with nc spam to indicate 1/3? its a bit hard to read here but might still be fine since this pattern is used several times through the map


00:27:560 (1,2) - i think this could be deleted (and nc 00:27:722 (3)) to make 00:27:398 (6) stand out more as a long note, the music kinda leaves a gap here as well


00:17:181 - this is an accented high note in the piano, would be better to map actively/start the stream here imo (u can use 1.07x sv on 00:16:857 (1) to make it a 3/4 slider, ctrl+s to resnap the sliderend)


literally one of my favourite songs
also gorgeous storyboard!!


top diff is executed so well, love how its not just a 270bpm snap jump map


strawberry is such a good fruit tho


really cool map!


epic tb


i forgot to hype lol
this is one of my favourite songs now so thanks for making me discover it! also amazing map <3


i think source should be Dungeon Fighter Online as the song is from that game, while Dungeon & Fighter is the name of the series


add rock to tags?


i think all of these sliders 00:24:217 (3), 00:26:812 (3) etc. can be changed to give more emphasis to the long high bass guitar note at 00:24:541, and also because the current rhythm is quite confusing anyway

try something like this:


i think u can remove every 2nd nc in this diff (and every nc in 01:15:298 (1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2) except 01:15:298 (1) and 01:17:893 (1)) since most ranked normals nc every about 2 bars, and the musical phrases in this song are usually every 2 bars


01:10:109 - 01:14:974 - could do with some more active rhythm since its a more intense part of the song


00:22:920 (7,8,9) - stack looks broken, not sure if it was meant to be stacked under the slider but if so its broken


this diff is really cool!


01:09:784 (6,7,8,9,1) - maybe change direction of stream (probably a curve) and space more? since theres a 1/4 snare burst and it would be nice to make this different from 01:07:190 (6,7,8,9,1) and 01:09:460 (2,3,4,5) itself
