00:03:489 (10) - Minor detail but I think you should new combo here (instead of one note after it)
01:13:587 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I get it but it still feels a bit absurdly hard compared to everything else
00:01:148 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think a jump into triple plays better than a 5 note burst here (so delete 00:01:221 (2), I don't know if just me but I don't even hear a sound in the song there )
00:21:050 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - listening to the drums on this part, I don't think you should map over it using only notes/ maybe some sliders for emphasis
01:34:562 (1,1) - this deviation from typical rhythm is very sudden, although it does fit the music there's a loud drum hit halfway through the red slider , and results in the spacing between 01:35:028 (1,2) being very big
01:04:561 (8,1) spacing is too large between this repeat slider and the start of the next stream
01:03:940 (5,8) - I think the way these repeat sliders are placed in the streams can be frustrating to hit and also inconsistent with the way it is placed at 02:19:018 (3)
00:24:458 (2) - personally i think this slider feels more natural if it is one tick longer (so if it ended on the white tick instead of the blue)
00:25:605 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) i think this part could be better represented with a different pattern, maybe sliders or just jumps. circles 6 8 10 there is no sound
00:58:605 (1,2,3) instead of stacking these notes all on top of each other i think you could make a jump pattern out of it
could replace 00:49:169 (1) with 2 circles instead and make it part of the stream, so instead of 00:49:169 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) you have something like 01:09:380 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) which i personally think looks more nice.
00:48:538 (1,2) - could make slider 2 point at 1 instead of away from it. more consistent with 01:08:748 (1,2) as well.
you could make 01:19:090 (2) the start of the stream and put the actual start of the stream 01:19:169 (1) a bit further away from it so the spacing between 01:19:090 (2,1) and 01:19:169 (1,2) is consistent
00:23:590 (1) could put this slider either a bit further away or tuck it under the 00:23:538 (3) , it just seems a bit awkward where it is right now
pattern 11:07:467 (2,3,4) is late by 1/6 of a beat, 11:07:467 (2) should be at 11:07:416, 11:07:773 (3) should be 11:07:722, and 11:07:926 (4) should be 11:07:875
I am pretty sure 11:11:425 (2) is supposed to be snapped to 1/3 here (so it should go at 11:11:388)
you started new combo on the new sound at 10:17:110 (1) but there's another sound at 10:16:964 (5) which you may as well nc
09:22:109 (2) - i think a slider after this might be nice, like a nice and slow slider or something
08:15:815 (2) seems quite far away from 08:15:741 (1) , maybe put 08:15:741 (1) further from 08:15:668 (4) or reduce this spacing 08:15:741 (1,2)
07:21:552 (4) - nudge this circle up by like 10 pixels it fits the curvature of the stream more nicely
00:05:122 (1,2) - there's noise on 00:05:122 (1) but 00:05:207 (2) doesn't really cover any sound so you probably don't need it. Same for 00:07:950 (2) and 00:10:693 (2)
01:01:865 (3) - consider making this slider just a little bit longer so it ends on the beat
00:17:511 (2) - could probably delete this note, it matches up with the rest of the section nicer as well
04:41:104 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - these jumps are suddenly significantly harder than anything around them even though the music doesn't really reflect that increase in difficulty
02:52:437 (1) - i do not like this slider (also it doesn't appear anywhere else in the map) maybe change it to be more consistent with everything
05:08:104 (3,1) - i feel like this does not flow too well, like the sharp adjustment needed to hit that seems very harsh given that it never happens to that extent anywhere else in the map