hypeeeeeee (this is gonna be a great map ><)
hypeeeeeeeeeee (seems like you have some mapping experience but still need a little polish, anyway a really cool map ><)
Hype cuz i love everyone who makes this map
hype cuz this map is kool
"but how do we get that hard" hmmm I wonder what is "that"? UwU
hype cuz hype
hype cuz :)
hype cuz this is very fun
hype cuz this is a m a z i n g (this is a real banger ><)
hype cuz im happy playing this
hype cuz oooooooh that's some good stuff right there ,both song and maps are so interesting (the break gives me uncomfortable feeling of what's happen next lol)
yay!!!!!!! famoss map
hype cuz this map is fun (if it get some polished on some pattern. it's definitely gonna be a banger)
hype cuz noodles are always delicious and i see nanon-san play this live ^^
hype cuz i love 5+1k!
hype cuz i love this op and i love clean map
hype cuz i luv the way u map this
hype cuz why not
hype cuz this is a quality ln map (i can really feel the effort u want to make this fun)
hype cuz this is map is super duper fun (and u are my favorite mapper too ><)
hype cuz uwu
hype cuz i love euphorium
hype cuz this has so much potential
hype cuz this is definitely a banger
hype cuz i like to do the fun flop
hype cuz if this ranks it's gonna be crazy!!!!!!!!!!! :)