00:00:015 (1) - gfagfahhhfgf? fghfhh fgahafhg:
00:14:637 (14637|6,14646|5,14655|4,14664|3,14674|2,14683|1,14692|0) - WOWWWWW!!!!! SUPER PATTERN!!!!!!!!
00:53:250 (53250|0) - should be rearranged so there will be no minijack. Please keep it consistant with 00:48:331 (48331|2,48331|3,48480|1,48629|3,48629|0,48778|2) - and 00:50:716 (50716|0,50716|3,50865|1,51014|2,51014|3,51163|0) -. You also only used minijacks for this specific part of the melody: 00:47:436 (47436|3,47436|1,47586|1) -, 00:49:822 (49822|3,49822|0,49971|0) - and 00:52:207 (52207|3,52207|2,52356|3) - . Consider rearranging
00:53:250 (53250|0) - could be removed too make it consistant with 00:48:331 (48331|2,48331|3,48480|2,48629|1,48629|0,48778|1) - and 00:50:716 (50716|0,50716|1,50865|1,51014|2,51014|3,51163|2) - or you could add another note at 00:53:548 - to represent the build up rise.
consider making all of the 1/1 notes like 02:44:509 (164509|1) - a double. Its the same sound as 02:47:970 (167970|1,167970|0) - and the drum is just really noticeable. Consider changing.
02:22:124 - Missing note for the noticeable drum aswell as the guitar. I would recommend you to rearrange it just like 02:14:682 (134682|1,134739|2,134739|0,134739|3) -
01:47:047 - should be a double. You made the drums doubles like in 01:54:432 (114432|3,114432|2) -. Consider changing.
01:54:086 - consider removing the doubles there. You made these kinds of patterns: 01:53:970 (113970|1,113970|2,114086|0,114086|3) - whenever there was 2 cymbals. In this section, theres only one which is represented at 01:53:970 (113970|1,113970|2) - . Consider removing the doubles
01:59:047 - missing note. Theres a cymbal that wasnt represented as a double like 01:58:586 (118586|2,118586|0) - . Consider adding a note.
Add the following tags: "HAPPY BRASS POP" and "Pop'n Rhythmin". Happy brass pop because its the genre for the song and Pop'n rhythmin because it also had a appearance in that game aswell. All informations taken from the wiki again.
replace the source to: "ポップンミュジックサニーパーク" or "Pop'n Music Sunny Park"
source found on https://popnmusic.fandom.com/wiki/Pop%27n_Music_Sunny_Park
01:34:239 (94239|0,94239|1) - sounds just like 01:34:124 (94124|1) - and since you mapped all the snare drums as doubles (I assume), you should make 01:34:239 (94239|0,94239|1) - a single. Consider removing a note
01:14:855 - should be a triple since 01:14:739 (74739|0,74739|3,74739|1) - is the same sound and mapped as a triple. Consider making it a triple and rearranging the trill if triple is added. If its intentionaly for playability then ill leave the choice to you.
00:34:816 (34816|3,34970|3,35124|3,35278|3,35432|3) - please rearrange so there wont be a 5 note anchord. I would say a anchord of 4 notes is the max in the current part but this is completely my preference. Examples on how you could rearrange it:
Left: Example / Right: Original Chart
Got send here by maxim meow