00:03:397 (1,2,3) - idk if there's a concept for these sliders tho
because players could actually confuse that the gap between hitobjects between 00:04:760 (3,4) - and the spacing between the other three prior is different, and that could cause players an early clicking and cause lower score on this. i'd recommend to make the spacing here visually the same so players won't struggle on this issue. (2/2)
There's actually no concepts behind this, the reason I put 4 over there is to make all of them have the same amount of spacing, I didn't think about 4 being too stood out.
I decided to spread all the sliders apart like you said. I can't think of any patterns though, so I just mirror them all for now.
00:08:681 - how you hitsound these hitobjects in this part seems really tedious because you use the hitsound pattern the same as how you've done at the regular part, which doesn't go really well with the song part here. this part here, the hitsounds should be more outstanding and more emphasizing so this part here would be more predominant as this part is the part before getting a pre-verse.
i'd recommend you to add finishes at 00:09:192 (3) -, 00:09:533 (4) -, 00:10:556 (3) -, and 00:11:238 (6) -. in order to make the hitsound here getting emphasized, so that this part here would be more eminent.
00:25:556 (2,3,4) - i firstly thought that you've intended to map this verse following the instrumental mainly, but as i noticed at the hitobjects after this, most of them are mainly following vocals (e.g 00:26:920 (2,3) -, 00:31:522 (4,5,6) -, etc.) this comes to a confusion whether you're mapping mainly instrumental or vocals. if your intention for this part is to map the hitobjects following mainly vocals, i'd highly recommend you to swap the rhythm of these hitobjects, because it emphasizes the vocals better and that could make the concept here become consistent.
00:28:283 (2,3) - similarly to the suggestion above #929890 i'd recommend swapping the rhythm here to make the vocals here become more outstanding.
00:29:135 (1) - you should replace this by a slider, would be more natural and follow better the vocals
00:31:522 (4,5,6) - as how you've made the spacing here inflates larger in order to emphasize the strong vocals on these spots, this is overall a good idea! i'd recommend to add finish into these circles 4 & 5, in order to make the hitobjects here become more emphasized.
apply this with the hitobjects which has similarly vocals (e.g 00:32:885 (4,5) -, 00:42:431 (4,6) -, 00:43:795 (4,6) -).
00:33:056 (5,6) - the spacing is pretty different from the same pattern before 00:31:692 (5,6) - . consider nerf the spacing here.
00:33:056 (5,6) - Alright.
00:44:135 (6) - I don't think there's any other way to place all these and emphasize both 00:43:795 (4,5,1) - at the same time, I will keep them as they are for now.
00:33:397 (1,2) - looks subjective but you could also make the slider (1) blankets the circle (2) in order to make the aesthetic here become more pleasant-looking and make the blankets consistent as you've done with the other pairs of hitobjects in the difficulty. (e.g 00:49:760 (1,3) -, 00:54:704 (4,1) -)
00:36:124 (1,2) - leaving here as a blank seems pretty abnormal, it'd better adding something here so it won't leave here as a blank. apply to the others after
00:42:431 (4,5,6) - instead of making a huge jump here you instead making triples which gives no movement at all, which makes the strong vocals here lack of emphasizing and not really corresponding to the song's intensity at all. i'd highly recommend making huge jumps here, in order to make the vocals in this part getting more emphasized by giving players a large movement, and so that it would be consistent with the parts where you've made jumps before also. (e.g 00:31:522 (4,5) -, 00:32:885 (4,5) -)
00:53:851 (1) - I want it to be counter-clockwise due to the previous section being the opposite.
01:26:067 (5) - Consistency and #925884 (Differences between melodies.)
01:16:010 (7) - i prefer to change this slider to 1/2 jumps since this part of vocal is almost the same but you still divided into different rhythm/pattern to show it.
this slider looks very excess and strange 01:16:010 (7) - , maybe change to jumps to distinguish 01:14:306 (1,2,3,4) - slider part and 01:15:670 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - jump part.