00:14:497 (5,6) - minor thing but it looks like 5 is trying to blanket 6 when it isn't. I suggest changing to this https://puu.sh/G9QOs/96ccacccca.png
00:19:497 (1) - please remove big thump there's nothing that big here
also remove the 1/4 there ain't that either thanks :^)
00:40:069 (1,2) - full-on reverses don't work too well here when the 2nd sounds feel even more important than the first tbh
EDIT: maybe not really "more important", at least not the case with all iterations of this, but more so that the first two are played actively the last ain't so to say (and yeah this thing repeats bunch of times if you wanna check it out in general)
maybe circle->slider for both of these?
I've had this map in my library since early 2017 so I remember random things from the earlier versions. Just an FYI before I mod.
Not an actual problem, but I think these patterns: 00:46:926 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - specifically the sliders, get too spaced when compared to most of your kick slider patterns. Again, not an actual problem, but I think it would help the player if you brought this slider from here (https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12125072) to here (https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12125078) or some other variation of the pattern.
Note on what I was saying earlier about this:
I think this pattern 03:00:070 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) -
And this pattern 03:04:640 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) -
Could be streams since they lead into a short stream section. On top of that, the patterns only happen twice rather than three times (like it usually does). Making them streams would be a nice little change in pace.
00:47:497 (6) - the angle and distance change from here to the stream is really awkward. It goes from back and forth jump between kick sliders, to the stream being on the opposite side you expect. it's also really close to the last slider, and the angle of the stream itself is kinda weird with the rest of the pattern in mind. For example, if you just changed the angle from the kick slider to the stream it could work, or if you just made the stream start at a different angle, like have it curve down from 00:47:640 (7) and then back up towards the next slider, it would work better.
00:49:640 (3) - why not map the notes on 00:49:783 and 00:49:854? If you are following vocals, they don't really extend to where the current slider end is, so i think you should shorten the slider to 00:49:783 and map circles after it
sorry im dumb its mapped to the guitar but it still sounds weird to me to skip the really prominent drums here
01:02:498 (6) - another minor aesthetic thing, why not move 6 up to have its sliderend meet with 1? (https://puu.sh/G9QRe/187ee0eaca.jpg) The overlap looks a bit odd.
01:10:926 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - If I remember correctly, I remember these patterns used to just be streams. While these patterns are just as good, I notice you follow this pattern theme for every section like it in the map. I think you could actually change some of these back to streams (not all of them, but maybe the third pattern in each of these sections).
01:26:354 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - leaving things centered at the middle of the screen usually just looks weird and feels weird to play, maybe do some rotation and move the whole pattern off the center a little
01:40:640 (6,7,8,9,10) - could optionally make this stream blanket 01:41:069 (11) - for some visual ties (and make it a bit more curved which looks more pleasant)
01:42:069 (1,2,3,4) - Nothing wrong again, but idea popped in my head. What if you made these four notes a slider stream, a return slider, or even a spaced stream?
01:43:783 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - is this intentional on the vocal? Just looks like the shape is a bit fucked up
02:03:497 (2,3) - I think these sliders should be changed to circles as this is the only point in this section up until the stream where the guitar's notes aren't represented by individual clicks.
02:05:211 (1) - I think this would be better as 1 really long slider, as I don't see a reason it repeats. It also doesn't end at the note where the guitar sound ends. If you don't want to change it though, I would recommend putting a circle here: 02:06:211
02:10:926 (1,2) - kinda pain to work, but it'd be way cooler if you made these shapes visually relate to each other a bit better (or bit more intentionally) now that they both take large portions of the screen (and significantly overlap with each other, thus already forcibly relating visually in some way)
You've chosen the guitar as rhythm choice in other spots where it is prominent in the song, why is this entire section mapped only to the drums? It has cool guitar rhythm that is much more obvious and natural to tap to than the drum in the background. 02:21:211 (1) - 02:37:211 (1)
so for this section i felt like the 1/4 mapping would be the best compromise because it maps perfectly to the drums, and the most intense guitar notes tend to fall on the white tick jumps (i.e. even if all guitar sounds aren't emphasized, the most intense ones are properly emphasized with jumps). Also I felt mapping the guitar would make the section way less intense as the guitar dips in pitch throughout the section and is slower (1/3). mapping the drums allows the section to feel properly difficult, to emphasize some of the guitar on the white ticks, etc. where the guitar is the only sound in the section, I map it (02:17:211 (3) - here) also there are some sections of the guitar that play very finely on 1/4 (02:29:211 (1,2,3,4) - )
so i guess in short, the 1/4 mapping does actually capture some of the guitar nicely and it perfectly captures the drums, whereas 1/3 mapping would capture the guitar perfectly but entirely ignore the drums. felt like a better compromise & seems to be more playable and fun than a 1/3 section that's decreasing in intensity with the pitch & intensity of guitar (and I actually do think some of these guitar sounds are 1/4, so drum mapping captures that too-- its a weird section)
02:40:497 (6,1) - seems like spacing would fit here rather than cutting it down
compare top 02:40:354 (5,6) - for example?
02:44:854 (5,7) - i don't think there are sounds here so I don't think it should be mapped with circles here ^
02:47:926 (3) - rhythm choice is a bit weird on this, I think you should shorten this to the white tick and map circles on 02:48:140 and 02:48:211. Also remove 02:48:283 (4) since there is no sound here. I think this still works for your rhythm choice if you are following the vocals or guitar with this slider (im not sure which)
02:56:640 (1,1,1) - very small thing, but could make it so that these are less part of the incoming curve and more in their own shape separated, a bit more like the last iteration of this
03:02:068 (3) - this would be cooler as a slider that ends at 03:02:283 and make it like sv 0.5x or something slow. It fits the sound here while still slowing down movement so that there is more contrast with the fast movement of the next pattern
03:06:354 (2,3) - make spacing between these smaller (but spacing between 03:05:783 (1,2) - bigger)
03:08:069 (1) - slider curve doesn't match stream's curve, move middle anchor up a little (and adjust the other two)
03:22:354 (9) - try making sliders that fit with the vocals (since there are 2 vocal "notes" but only one slider, idk how to explain)
04:16:416 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - the scream decreases in volume and strength throughout the section, it makes sense the stream is spaced further earlier in the section and then slowly decreases.
the spacing here is actually inspired by the very loud symphonic sound at 00:45:663 (4,1) - that reverberates during the stream. the scream isnt that much quieter, and the symphonic sound is much higher in pitch/more noticeable imo, so thats why I did it the way I did ;p
04:29:568 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - some kind of reverse in spacing would work better wouldn't it? Higher for the snarees that lead to the next white tick
Last notes, 04:53:702 (1,1,1,1) - I feel like these should just be two return sliders instead of one and then three spaced circles. Was hard to read when playing it, and I think return sliders work just fine (or kick sliders if you wanted to do that)
04:55:000 (5,6) - i notice some blue tick drums are skipped in the map like this one, if you are following drums you should map them in this section. same here: 04:57:286 (3,4) etc
05:12:000 (2) - you should make focus to the vocal here (guttural) removing thoses notes , and replace it for a super slow slider for example ( i tried a slider with 0.10x) if you are gonna do this, make it a jump into it
05:17:000 (3,4) - maybe make this different form 05:16:715 (2) - this, since you are following the vocals in this whole section
05:36:987 (1,2,3) - different patterns is cool but i think the drum is too obvious to ignore here, i think it should just be 1 stream
it especially feels weird when 05:46:987 (3) - is a 1/2 slider, despite representing the same thing (held vocal + snare)
05:48:987 (3) - since you are following the vocals here, maybe do something like this? https://i.imgur.com/m5emYIO.jpg
05:59:710 (7) - perhaps but this somewhere up from here for bigger spacing leading to 05:59:853 (1) - too