00:57:168 (1) - 00:57:501 (1) - what about removing nc along the previous electronic guitar stream patterns like 00:49:834 - 00:52:835 - ? Having a long combo felt very characteristic and felt like a nice contrast to highlight the guitar sound from other different streams.
nc in 00:57:168 (1) - 00:57:501 (1) emphasizes the increase in tone of guitar solo, as well as the spacing that increases with each nc. But at 00:49:834 - 00:52:835 there is just a solid blastbeat that is not highlighted by the nc. I'll leave it open for another thought
(NERD MOMENT🤓: when i mapping, i focused on the guitar tabs of this song and highlighted this riff with the spacing and nc)
01:04:834 (2) - you could silence this sliderend just like you did for previous bunch of sliders in this section
01:05:501 (1), 01:07:168 (1) - same can be applied for these sliders
01:20:501 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this is the exact same thing as 00:00:060 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - and thus shouldnt contrast that much in emphasis and spacing if you dont want to change too much atleast nerf the first kicksliderspeed and lower the spacing of 01:20:501 (1,2,1,2) - and you should be good