mapped by Seitora
This map is estimated to be ranked on 29 March 2025 if no issues are found. It is #15 in the ranking queue.
Hype Train6 / 5
Nomination Status2 / 2
nominated by Akasha- and DenYi
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00:04:140 (4140|3) - this seems out of place since theres no LN in most intro parts, why not make this consistent to other parts 00:02:473 (2473|2,2681|1,2890|3,3098|0) - as im pretty sure theres some auditable sound 00:04:348 -


ok made it like the other parts

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00:07:473 (7473|1,7681|2,7890|0,8098|3) - 00:09:140 (9140|2,9348|1,9556|0,9765|3) - for that piano pattern, i think it could be replaced with a different shaped pattern utilizing the entire col(or ctrl+h could be utilized).

this may be the intention for the repetitive piano structure, but it feels like the pattern lacks a bit of variety since it has the same pattern shape as the beginning 00:00:807 - 00:02:473 -.

its also a low diff, so i think the simplicity of the pattern might make a difference in playability.


ok, i just mirrored both patterns

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its a minor thing, but for this note - 00:15:390 (15390|1) - i think the pattern would look better if it was moved to 1col.

00:14:765 (14765|1,14973|3) - 24col -> 00:15:390 (15390|1,15598|2) - 13col, to make sure its consistent and progresses properly on both hands.


00:18:723 (18723|0) - looks like it could be moved to 4col for similar reasons.


ok balanced it out

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00:20:390 (20390|2,20598|0,20806|1) - that part can create a different pattern of flow while maintaining a representation of the current state.

00:18:931 (18931|1,19556|2,19765|0) - immediately below, have a pattern of the same shape and a succession of LNs in the same position, so i think it's okay to rearrange the notes a bit if want a more varied arrangement.




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00:23:306 (23306|2,23515|1,23723|0) - how about modifying the pattern to look like the following photo?

00:22:681 (22681|0,22890|1) - the start of the drum's expression occurs consecutively to the left of 12col, so even if made the subsequent drum pattern from 00:23:515 (23515|1,23723|0) - the start of the drum's expression to occur from the right, still don't think it's balanced to have consecutive expressions on 12col once again.

00:23:306 (23306|2,23515|1,23723|0) - if moved that drum a space, it would look a little more spacious and balanced.


ok sure

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00:27:265 (27265|2) - id personally ignore this and make 00:27:056 (27056|3) - become a LN so it follows the vocal


it is like this 00:33:723 (33723|0) -


sure i will do that for consistency

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00:36:431 - add note?



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00:46:431 (46431|2) - personally, i dont think its necessary to express this vocal since its an easy diff.

00:46:431 (46431|2,46640|1,46848|3,47056|0,47265|2,47473|1,47473|3) - imo its okay to simplify this to some extent, as it can seem a bit full if think about it in conjunction with the drum pattern that follows. (this suggestion considering is using 1/4 notes in a row, as this is a low bpm song).

also, for the part from 00:44:140 to 00:50:806 - before the highlight, based on the LN and note usage from the calm part, i dont think its meant for vocals, so I think it would be more in line with the intent to make it 00:45:806 (45806|3) - 1/1 LN to focus more on the instrumentation.


00:44:140 (44140|0) - made that only 1/1 length
00:46:640 simplified only to two 1/2 lns

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01:17:473 - to 01:22:577 - EZ vs NM diff: normal represents vocal LNs with notes on piano sound while easy with only 2/1 and 1/1 LN which is kind of have huge gap... so why not fill it with some note in vocal in it?

so that somehow it will get near the gap for NM diff.



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01:18:932 (78932|2) - vocal stops on 01:19:348 -


ok fixed length

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01:19:973 (79973|3) - i'd snap the vocal on 01:19:765 - it starts there


ok and i ended it at 01:20:390

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01:22:317 (82317|0,82527|2,83005|0,83384|1,83838|3,84321|0,84805|1,85350|2) - i'd just use LN here, it's pretty hard for beginners to follow very precise snaps


ok made it go from 01:22:265 - 01:26:031 (last piano note)

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01:26:031 (86031|3) - for this piano sound, i think its okay to use LN, albeit trivially, to match the endpoints of all diffs.


also made 01:22:317 (82317|0) - start on a 1/16 later than the blue line, matching up with other difficulties for the vocal

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