mapped by JukedEm
This beatmap was ranked on 15 March 2025!
nominated by KnightC0re and Kataryn
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00:00:098 (1,2,3,4) - ok like this is funny and all but I don't think this being overmapped to this extent makes sense, just having 00:00:449 (1) - alone would be fine to represent the kick here.

on top of this, just having 1 circle (or burst) and then nothing for 16 seconds really feels boring here, you could remove the objects before this first break and make this ending object 05:13:205 (4) - a slider extending to 05:14:135, and start a spinner 00:13:957 - to start the map to keep it over 5 mins of drain while not having 16 seconds of nothing in the very beginning


but but i really liked the break cause to me it creates a sense of tension and unease since it's unusual to have a break right after one burst or one note, causing the player to be thrown off guard and then the ominous sounds of the song come in while this girl is whispering "I am using my imagination" into your ear and the break makes it so the song demands all of your attention, but so far everyone has said it's boring so idk


I mean it follows your intention yeah, but also maps are meant to be played and I think a jumpscare burst on nothing followed by a 16 second break will have most any player not want to play the rest of the map, and if they do I doubt they would go back to play it again


ill keep for now unless a bn says to remove it

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

This just dumb, if you want tension add a spinner or slider instead that achieves basically the same thing without adding unnecessary shit.

All this does is make players not want to replay the map.

Reopened by Celektus

I originally had a spinner but _destiny said to remove it. Usually spinners are used for buildups and intense sections cause of the freeform movement it allows, but I think a break does a better job of actually representing the song properly, even if it diminishes the replay value


Why not a big slow slider, then the player is at least doing something


because I wanted the big sliders to be solely for the chorus


well the chorus sliders are much much much faster than what would be here so that would contrast well


ok Lets Be Nice Everyone first of all we do not need to be calling anything "unnecessary shit" especially when the reason for it has already been laid out to you in clear words

on top of that the break is just not an issue. i understand the frustration and theres nothing wrong with posting a suggestion for it, but this is 100% the type of thing thats ultimately up to the mappers discretion, and it clearly achieves an effect that they're going for. its fine and you dont need to change it

the burst is the only thing here that could be concerning from a "should this be ranked" perspective bc it's mapped to nothing (Wow) but a good rule of thumb w/ overmapping is just whether it feels natural, and imo it works great here


the only other issue i can think of with overmapping particularly at the beginning or ending silence of a song is that it could be a way to artifically extend drain time, but here the drain + break time would easily exceed 5 minutes regardless of whether the burst was there or not so that reasoning doesnt apply here ^^



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

00:30:941 (3,4) - 00:39:068 (3,4) - vocals you are mapping to start to differentiate their rhythms in these sliders and yet you are mapping them as if they aren't, it would be nice to have some changes in the rhythm in these sections to both add some variety in a very monotonous section as well as give a nod to how the music is changing.


I feel like it doesn't make much sense to map the small changes in the vocals on such a calm section. also the rhythms are simplified to create the repeating up and down pattern as well as to represent the "lazy" type of singing he's using in this section

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

00:31:953 (4) - the vocal rhythm here is not exactly 1/6; there is a vocal me at 00:32:460, so this rhythm would be more accurate (3/8 and 1/6or1/8)


I think ill keep to stay consistent with all the other sliders

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

00:45:202 (2,3) - more like 1/8 snap here


also you could add whistles for that pianos


changed to 1/8 and added whistles

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

00:48:493 (1,1) - you might not have to NC these because the pitch in these vocals are all going down and all together.


I think I will keep to stay consistent with 02:07:645 (1,1,1,1) and 03:09:346 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1)

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

00:56:566 (2) - Maybe since the 2 is on a different beat snap divisor you could try emphasizing the 2 by moving it away instead of it being a stack. Like so


01:11:758 (2) - Same Here


uhhh no cause that just makes it even harder for the player to read that it's a time signature change, also it plays like triple so it doesn't make sense to do that. also also that's too intense for the section

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

might be nice to have a little more snap onto this 01:00:025 (4,5) - the note on the 4 in the previous sections has been snapping behind, so maybe something similar could feel nice for this too


just played again btw whatever you did to this section feels crazy nice job

Marked as resolved by Soccs

01:02:636 (2) - there's a hi-hat here so maybe reduce this to 1/2? :3


same as 01:10:198 (2) -,



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

01:10:198 (2) - this meant to end on 01:10:438 - instead?


omg the mods are never ending lmao, changed

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

welcome to the pain and suffering of ranking your first beat map


01:12:358 (4) - thoughts on extending this slider to the next 1/6 tick 01:12:758 - to add more tension to the next object and represent the vocal a little better?


sure, but wouldn't that also make the next jump super hard to hit on time?


yeah thats the point


okay changed

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

01:17:095 - not mapping this kick actively feels pretty off as you have been actively following all percussion up until here, ctrl+g 01:16:934 (2,3) - this rhythm feels better to me

02:31:480 - 02:35:016 - 02:38:449 - same


ctrl g definitely fits the rhythm better but I think it throws off the flowy movement and also doesn't emphasize the vocals as much, i might change it tho since i agree it kinds of weird to ignore the kick

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

01:23:277 (1) - thoughts on making this a circle and then having your slow slider start 01:25:182 - where the held sound starts?


I don't rlly like that tbh

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

01:48:741 (1) - thoughts on starting with a lower sv slider (like 2.5x sv or so) to introduce the player to the idea of these big fast sliders and to avoid annoying jumpscare sliderbreaks? From there you can keep the sv the same throughout as it is now


honestly this is probably a good idea but i like the jumpscare since i think that fits how the song suddenly shifts in intensity so i will keep for now

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

02:13:398 - should probably map this vocal actively because it starts the next phrase



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

02:14:661 (3) - could nc this to signal 1/3, it'd be different enough from something like 02:07:645 (1,1,2,1,1) -



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

02:15:102 (1) - slider border is considered offscreen at the bottom



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

02:25:728 (1) - would rly appreciate some active rhythm or raised sv for this vocal pitch spike


raised sv to 0.5

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

02:35:016 - might need timing point or snap note to a closer tick, im getting an audible disconnect between the kick in the song and the kick in the hitsounds


I think its because the snare in the song kind of fades in, but the peak of the snare is correctly timed with the hitsound, it just fades in a little bit


resolving since no further discussion

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

02:41:460 (1) - muted circle



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

02:41:463 - there's also drum sound so maybe add another circle here?


I think you pasted in the wrong time because I don't hear anything here and its not snapped to anything


no i believe i hear two sounds here :< but maybe i was tripping

Marked as resolved by Kensuke

yeah this was exactly what I was mentioning here #4675795

it did sound like timing to me, and same thing present here (i only came back cuz I saw update button when I went to play map again)


03:08:282 (1) - maybe you could use a slider here to better show the vocal distorting


fair but also i wanted to have the same pattern in the middle throughout the map to kinda tie everything together, like at 01:18:051 (1,1) and 04:18:618 (1,1)



Marked as resolved by KnightC0re

03:23:336 - this kick shouldn't really be ignored here since you are primarily following the percussion in these sections, you could end 03:23:130 (3) - on that red tick to at least have it passively represented


I feel like shortening that slider doesn't do much but make it feel less impactful just for the sake of following the kicks, like that slider is supposed to be kind of out of place and stand out so it can signal a shift in the music and map, as well as the prolonged stop in motion into the super fast wub slider to give the next section a lot of impact

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:25:185 (1) - offscreen, move up a bit
02:05:179 (1) - 02:15:102 (1) - 03:26:829 (1) - offscreen by a few pixels, move up a bit



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:26:829 (1) - off-screen



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:26:829 (1) - remove drum sampleset from sliderbody



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:31:760 (1,2,3) - imo the rhythm here is a bit hard to read, considering the pause on 2

i'd make 2 way slower (like maybe half of current sv even) to really show off the pause in rhythm, and perhaps have a more enclosed shape, currently they feel similar enough that they all feel like '1/4' sliders in tech maps


I tried to put those sliders (2,3) on a 45 degree type axis to make it feel different from everything else and i kinda like how it plays rn, can i keep?


maybe something like this for 2 would make the pause more apparent? since the player pauses here anyway the flow would be paused anyway so the slidershape direction won't affect the movement too much



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:32:274 (3) - maybe remove normal sampleset from the sliderbody, it has a different sliderslide hs



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

still there, select specifically the sliderbody and remove the sampleset

Reopened by KnightC0re

weird I swear I removed it, definitely changed now

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:32:993 (1) - maybe this deserves a more unique object than 03:32:582 (1) - to represent the wub


made it a slow slider

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:33:404 - there meant to be a kiai flash here? or did you not add bc there's 2 sliders instead of 1


yeah I didn't add it cause it wasn't one of the big sliders

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:36:199 (8,9) - thoughts on making these each 2 sliders (each 1/6) to show the change in percussion as well as make your buildup even more prominent?


like leave the in the same spot but just split then in half? idk how that would play


You should move them and repattern a bit if you do because you want more movement on top of the increased density to bring out your buildup


I forgot if I said this already but the idea for those sliders are to be neurons that are firing off around the brain slider, with each neuron slider growing in intensity, showing signs of distress and shit, cause in the lyrics he's saying "I don't know how much more I can take" so I think that really fits even if I had to ignore the drums


at least then could increase the sv throughout the pattern to make the buildup a little better


honestly I don't think it makes sense to do a build up in sv here cause the song is already at max intensity and its not really building up either, its kinda hitting the same beat over and over


well I say that bc you said each neuron is growing in intensity, when it doesnt really feel like that rn


the shape of them grow more chaotic to show that more neurons are firing off but the sv stays the same, ig a build up would show that better but I don't think that fits exactly with the song. I think having just the shape change but the sv stay the same is the right balance of representing what's actually happening in the song while also getting my artistic point across, but maybe that's only cause I was the one who mapped it so I understand all my ideas


resolving cause i think its fine

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:36:486 - is the kiai flash intentional here? seeing 1 and 4 already flashes this is kinda odd


definitely a mistake whoops

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:36:774 (7) - can u move the 2nd anchor of this out a little bit so theres a more distinct path to the beginning of the slider .. right now it kinda just looks like thge 7 is a circle chilling in a slidery mass


move the 2nd anchor and the slider head right a bit

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

03:44:730 (1) - use a different sampleset to mute the sliderticks? the instrumentation is all gone imo the lack of sounds here would work well



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

04:05:263 (2) - start the slider at 04:05:190 - instead?



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

04:07:581 (3) - end this slider on the red tick instead? there's a faint sound here



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

04:10:093 - add circle here for the kinda 1/4 rhythm in the song


i like that yeah

Marked as resolved by JukedEm


Reopened by KnightC0re

oops I must've accidentally snapped it to 1/6 when changing timing

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

04:13:339 (4,5) - idk why you stopped upping the sv on these but continued for the rest of the pattern, these should go up in sv alongside the rest of the sliders in the pattern



Marked as resolved by JukedEm

04:17:298 (1) - imo you could have a 1/16 double here for the guitar strum :3
if you dont wanna mess up the slider ticks you can add the circle on 04:17:271 - instead


added circle on 4:17:271

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

04:26:426 (1,2,3,4) - 04:29:945 (2,3,4,5) - should bring these closer together so its more obviously a cut here rather than 2 seperate doubles like 04:35:113 (2,3,4,5) -


u right

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

04:31:154 (2) - since there's a snare here adding more spacing to distinguish between these 04:30:934 (1,2) and 04:31:374 (3,4) - would fit better imo


added a bit more spacing

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

04:40:758 (5,6,7,8) - the 1/3 jump to the triple imo is kinda hard to react to, considering the large spacing, and unlike 04:41:492 (9,10) - there isn't a pause to let you read the pattern

think 5-6 should have lower spacing to make it more reactable


moved the triple a bit closer

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

04:48:183 - from here until the end you should bump up the hs volumes by about 10% so a player can still hear the hsing over the song (except your muted sliderend 04:59:663)


increased to 15%

Marked as resolved by JukedEm

05:00:009 - map this? bc there's guitar here


see also 05:01:855 -,


keeping to keep consistent with all the other reverse sliders at the start of each measure

Marked as resolved by JukedEm