The objects that come after your really fast sliders in the kiais are pretty inconsistently spaced and have inconsistent movement between them, which make some of these patterns more or less uncomfortable/frustrating to play than I think you want them to be.
For example, 01:49:562 (2) - this is spaced moderately but has a really difficult movement from the slider preceding it, making it somewhat difficult to hit. this next one 01:52:850 (2) - has low spacing and really easy movement making it really easy to hit. This one 01:56:138 (2) - has high spacing but easy movement, 01:59:425 (2) - this one is kinda in-between, 02:02:713 (2) - this one is really hard, etc.
Making these consistent in how difficult they are to hit would make more sense here since they represent the same sounds in the music, and making them consistently difficult or easy would be less frustrating to a player.
yeah but for the intensity of the wubs, the difficulty of these sliders that follow them are still inconsistent, like for example 03:16:966 (1) - and 03:20:254 (1) - have the same type of wubs, and yet are very different with how they play. Another example would be 03:13:678 (1) - and 03:23:541 (1) -
not really, you can move 01:49:562 (2) - to like x258 y384, or like 02:02:713 (2) - to like x138 y373 or smth like that
i wanna give my 2 cents on this
so i dont really think the inconsistency makes much of a difference, the fast sliders themselves imo is the biggest contributor to the difficulty
but i'd say it might be worth making the first instance of this 01:48:741 (1,2) - lower spaced so that players could be introduced to this
honestly the only reason i kinda want it changed is cuz
but i'd say it might be worth making the first instance of this 01:48:741 (1,2) - lower spaced so that players could be introduced to this
but it's not actually a big deal imo, just depends on how much you agree
add metronome reset at 01:30:866
remove redline at 00:56:684 and add:
remove redlines at 02:34:591, 02:37:995 and add:
remove redline at 02:41:497 and change bpm of 02:39:746 to 140
move redline at 02:43:176 to 02:43:163
remove redline at 04:10:202 and add:
remove redline at 04:12:020 and add:
minor thing but imo 04:19:278 (2,3,4) - 04:23:237 (4,5,6) - 04:28:295 (2,3,4) - 04:32:254 (7,8,9) - these triples could have a bit more movement in this section, to kinda reflect on the freeing feeling the section has, kinda like 04:33:354 (2,3,4) -
to contrast the second half of the section having snappy triples, maybe just separate the 3rd circle while keeping the first 2 overlapped together, having a bit less straining movement than 04:33:354 (2,3,4) - , while building up to it
00:00:098 (1,1,2,3,1) - get the idea of buildup here but there's literally no musical cue to justify these little streams; as there is no actual sound to land on, it could be unpredictable for players to know the right time to hit these.
if you wanna keep these streams i'd suggest you add smth like drum-hitnormal into storyboard hitsound so at least there are sounds to compare on :<
The point of the intro section is to be unpredictable and sudden, to reflect the next section in the song where it sounds super ominous and eerie, and having a somewhat difficult section followed by a break is something that will throw the player off guard which is exactly what I wanted for this section. Also the guideline says "should" meaning there are instances where it can be justified and I don't think these create an unfitting rhythm because of the context i just mentioned as well as it's just a normal burst, not a complicated rhythm. If this is objectively unrankable though I will remove it
gonna reopen this cuz #4729690 feels more concerned about the break instead of just the burst
so i dont think the 'unpredictable' idea is enough justification for this overmapped burst, imo this does negatively impacts the map, unfair gameplay for the players having to hit silent objects, and without preparations, while mapping-wise it kinda just disregards the song
'unpredictability' as a concept itself is pretty contentious with mapping, the ranking criteria and process are built to mitigate unfair gameplay elements (unjustified diff spikes etc), but this map already does some good things to give this unpredictable feeling. the high contrast fast sliders 01:48:330 (2,1) - are a great example of this, the sudden jump in sv could be considered unpredictable, but also something that would be considered fair in most mappers' eyes, while representing the song very well. this burst mapped to nothing kinda does the concept poorly, it doesnt necessarily reflect the song
imo just having the one circle on 00:00:449 - is good, id even dare say the single object here could be unpredictable on its own :)
02:08:467 - i believe this supposes to be 100%? same as 02:09:288,
02:56:793 (1,2,2) - as other sliders in this part arent slider-whistled like these, i assumed you may unintentionally add sliderwhistles here
03:21:281 - maybe increase more volume to create contrast between this and muddy vocal at 03:17:993
03:33:404 (1) - drum-hitclap?
03:38:501 (1) - adding volume change in this spinner would be nice :3
04:47:490 and 04:49:106 - since the guitar bass (i guess im not sure ;-;) hasnt fully disappeared, the song kinda drowns up the 6% hitsound here and result in these note not giving sufficient feedback when clicking. so i'd suggest that gradually reduce the volume here instead would be more appropriate
00:45:202 (2) - NC? (Since the last note before you were following the vocal. Then the next 2 notes follow the piano so adding a NC here could emphasize that)