I changed the first one but I can't change the other one because I did slider on every sections of the songs like here 00:53:906 (3,4) - and 00:58:589 (3,4) -
I mean yeah but I've seen maps getting ranked with the same way so I gave it a try, if this will be a problem on the ranking section of this map I'll remap them
00:03:857 (4) - this pattern doesn't emphasize vocals. It could be replaced by a circle on 00:03:857 - + move the 1/1 slider to 00:04:003 -
00:10:589 (2,3) - should be spaced less than 00:10:296 since vocals are going down in pitch
yeah I like your idea but music is intense etc. so I'll leave it that way and maybe wait for a BN if they want to change it
00:16:003 (1,2,3) - piano intensity is going up here so should be spaced bigger than 00:16:442 (4,1,2,3) -
00:18:491 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - this pattern doesn't look pleasing on the eye and i think it's also pain to play. should change these
00:28:442 (1,2,3,4) - is the inconsistent spacing intentionally?
It goes from 0.75x -> 0.55x and then 0.45x. Maybe do smth like this: Either just 0.5x or going from 0.65x -> 0.55x -> 0.45x -> 0.35x
wanted to take a look and help to the meaning, but hearing what did you mention they looks perfect.
00:55:662 "there's any sound on the tail" looks like there's any impèortant sound for covering this, any vocal, any instrument, only a 1/1 break before the 00:55:808
00:57:711 here i don't understand cause there already is a s-hc
01:10:278 (1,2,3,4) - kick sliders here and really unnecessary. However, if you wanna use them place 01:10:571 (3) close and 01:10:717 (4) further for correct emphasis
yeah I spaced them out a little bit, also about the next one i dont know how to map it so I mapped smth playable tbh and left it that way
I mapped it that way because there is nothing important there and also its a non kiai section so I nerfed it
01:17:888 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - could make this triangle jumps like the beginning to keep consistent
01:19:644 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - this angle is really really awkward, CTRL J this plays 10x more comfortable
01:27:107 (1) - players could get slow slidered here could put spinner (or increase sv)