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00:06:636 add note here for vocal?




woops resolved

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

00:07:480 to 00:12:730: map this to be more intense, since there's a big build up here. e.g. if you would like to keep this as a low sr inner oni, you could use some 1/4 triples before 01:17:980, and then go into some longer patterns just before the climax


buffed by making a 5-plet for vocals and removing one of the 3-plets + filling in the gap at 00:12:355

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

i would either try to squeeze in one more drumroll before 00:07:480 around 00:05:792ish to help the current drumroll feel less out of place, or remove that drumroll



Marked as resolved by omg it migu

00:13:480 the alternating dkdk works well to represent the offbeat ke's (:


01:23:980 you could do a similar thing in this section, while keeping the finishers perhaps?


thanks~! made 01:25:480 the same thing but finishers (the previous 4 remain the same cause otherwise i think its too straining)


dont quite get this considering the rest of the map uses dkdk on these sounds, tentative resolve

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

00:36:167 consider mapping some of the hi-hats here with some 1/4 patterning?


00:42:355 not hi-hats but same thing here with the twinkly sound


ddd kkk ddd d for the first one, k k -> kkk for second

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

add note on 00:53:511


prefer having this be just 1/2 finishers as its right before kiai + no backing instrumentals so its sorta like a calm buildup before the storm

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

changed to ddk kkd cause it looks nicer imo

Marked as resolved by omg it migu


Marked as resolved by omg it migu

01:05:980 you could map the big donk sounds every other beat here with finishers


feels a bit cramped but it seems alright, applied

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

couldn't find any other way to express that part with increasing intensity while still maintaining the full finishers, and it isn't unrankable per se, and while it might be a bit out of the target player's skill, theres always an option for them to ignore the finishers. would be open to alternatives that isn't a finisher slider as that's already used in lower diffs and would be a bit boring imo on top

  1. finishers r meant to be played and if u map them without that in mind ur doing something wrong. it's the same reason we disallow stuff like kkK in muzus & Dkd in onis
  2. its not underwhelming to use a finisher slider here but if u rlly wanna have active rhythm its pretty common to just do normal notes in these cases (its legit just like K---K-K-kkkkD in a lotta maps ive checked)

also fwiw not unrankable doesnt mean it's ok, try to imagine how someone would play the map (or play it yourself if you can) and think if the majority wld enjoy it


I defo could’ve worded myself better (blame 7am replies) but thanks for the recommendations on active rhythm, probably will change the pattern to smth like KKKKddddddddK. As for the current pattern, I still think it does fit the song but I can see how it might be a bit too hard for the target audience of a map around 4.4* since I’ve had a play tester send me a video of how they could not hit the KKKKKKKKK stream legit lol, and the alternative doesn’t seem that bad to me rn (will see in about 8 hours when im home). Thanks for the replies!


changed to ddddddddK~

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

consider ending the kiai at 01:17:980 or 01:18:355, since this is where the chorus ends


though it isnt the chorus, i think the instrumentals after the time mentioned is strong enough to justify being kiai

Marked as resolved by omg it migu

i dont quite get this one? the D D D D DKDKDKDK is mapped to the 1/2 cheers with the first half being a build up to the second, i dont think variation in colouring would do good in this place considering how i've mapped it uniformly before


didnt press resolve my fingers are great

Marked as resolved by omg it migu