00:01:850 (3) - nc for noticeable pitch difference from the guitar and remove nc here 00:01:118 (1)
00:20:874 (7,1) - everything below is either the above problem or a noticeable drop beat
00:11:819 (1,2,3,4) - this seems to be the only high-intensity stream in the entire map. theoretically, it's not a problem, but it's a bit odd that a similar pattern doesn't appear in the higher intensity kiai. i suggest changing 00:11:545 (3) - to a circle, and placing a 1/4 repeat slider at 00:11:728 - with the tail at 00:12:002 -
01:23:435 (4,1) - just like you did here
00:15:021 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -
although the intensity is still high, the changes in the song give a more jumpy feeling, rather than the smooth flow like before. u can refer to the approach used in the top difficulty.
u can try reducing the 1/2 sliders and adding circles to express this jumpy feeling.
like this:
same 01:26:728 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2) -
but the latter part has higher intensity, you can maintain a similar pattern to 01:28:557 (1,2) - to contrast with the relatively lower intensity section earlier.
00:15:569 (1,1) - maybe a different spot for the second circle (keep 00:15:935 (1,1) stacked)
00:19:228 (3) - suggest to replace this with a circle and one way 1/4 slider (in this exact order)
00:20:691 (5,6,1,2,3) - You used stacking for the 1/4 here -> 00:20:691 (5,6) - so this should be 00:21:240 (2,3) - unstacked for better readability. Having different stacking in a row can be confusing for a Hard diff player.
00:26:362 (2) - change to a 1/4 slider and a circle in that order (same reason as #4428883 but much more defined)
00:53:801 (4) - there's a vocal staccato, but using a 1/2 slider here makes this short vocal lose some expression. my suggestion is to replace it with a circle and stack it on top of the head of the slider at 00:54:167 (5) -
01:17:215 (3,4,1) - Spacing variation here is too much, would keep the spacing somewhat consistent with prior spacing in the kiai, without removing the required emphasis on 01:17:947 (1) -.