00:03:852 (1,2,3,1) -Those are the same as 00:00:776 (1,2,3,1) - these. At least you could do mirror. (Ctrl+H)
00:53:083 (1,2) - Not a big fan of the stack here. You stopped suddenly the flow here. A bit of movement could be great. 00:54:045 - Adding a note here could work aswell, up to you.
I like standstill movement and would rather put to have a stress on next flows 00:54:236 (2,3,1) -. so keep as it is
01:10:583 (3,4,5) - The lack of movement feels inconsistent with the rest of the map
I would turn this into a jump for emphasis: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19148024/fb31
5 and 6 are hyperdashes
01:13:852 (4,5,6,7) - There's no emphasize on the vocal of 6 note, and current equal gap four notes are also kinda tricky to count correct dash/walk time. Consider making 4,5 and 6,7 walk then 5,6 dash (if not HDash)
01:15:391 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i think its better to just follow vocals instead of having these streams like this example u could use 1/2 sliders for these streams to follow vocal i think that would suit slightly nicer
01:17:699 (1) - i think its better to cut this slider into a 3/4 followed by a 1/2 it feels more correct that way
01:24:814 (4,5,6) - Please consider at least movin 5 to x:477. The lacking of movement gives those notes an empty sensation, as you're building up to kiai time.
01:28:083 (4,5) - Personal, but I think this HDash (as a HDash chain) is unnecessary since no heavy-enough sound on 5. Just keep 01:28:372 (5,1) HDash is enough for emphasize.
02:04:044 (2) - i think its better to make this a 1/2 slider since ur following vocal on 02:02:891 (3) - cuz on 02:04:237 - she says ''sh'' so making (2) a 1/2 slider would folllow the vocal a bit better than just 1note
02:28:852 (5,6,7,8) - You must change this stream. The sudden stop from 7 to 8 feels awkward to catch the next notes. A 1/2 repeat slider could be a better and fun solution. If you agree, please be careful with distances.
02:54:526 (9,1,2) - This antiflow is really unnecessary. Considering 02:57:314 (5,1,2) it is better to change this to followflow, both better on consistency and playing.
03:13:083 (1,2,3) - Yeah, this is tricy to fully walkable. Suggest smallen these distance in relax part so that it won't need extra dash to walk
03:20:776 (1,2) - i think its better if u would represent this as a 1/2 slider into a 1/1 just like in 03:22:314 (1,2) - this one follows it a bit better than the 1/2 reverse into a note
feels vocal is more stretched 03:22:283 (1,2) - than 03:20:745 (1,2) - sounds. so keep it in order to leave a difference
03:29:622 (5,6) - If this is intented to be an hdash should be increased, otherwise the gap is way too much for the current ds.
03:30:006 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - As you're approaching to the kiai, the stack here doesn't give you any proper value to even play harder. You should definitely consider changing 03:30:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - to something as you did here.
rather want to leave impact on 03:38:821 (7,1,2) - and feels vocals relatively weak on 03:38:821. so keep