mapped by Tomiup
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i think it might be better to change 00:01:497 (2,4) - into 1/4 sliders and add a note between 00:01:335 (1,2) - to catch the sound left behind in here


nah. It already captures the main instrument pretty well (the weird vocal), and I want it to keep the integrity of the rest of the map (which is focus on the tripes).

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

00:03:605 (9,1) - The rhythm here is messed up maybe try something like this?


00:13:983 (7) - rhythm is also messed up here, maybe change the 7 to 1/4 slider and add an extra one like this


01:08:470 (9) - same problem as the first thing, you can also fix it doing the same thing on the image.


yea I like that, fix

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

make sure to add spacing to 00:03:929 (1) - kinda looks ugly

Reopened by apolouu

yea that works, sure

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

00:04:172 (2,3,4) - this kinda looks empty and messy, might be better to use a rhythm and pattern like this


I do acknowledge that this part is kind of bad, since there's side instrument the I forgot to capture. But I think there you kinda overmap it on the triples there. But thanks for pointing it out, I already change 00:04:172 (2,4) into a slider

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

00:09:280 (3,4,5,6) - this spacing is kinda misleading; since 00:09:118 (1,2,3) has the same spacing, this would likely read as 3->5->4 (6 is just kinda hard to see under the other slider)
you could ctrl+g 4,5 and move 6 over, or move 4,5,6 somewhere so it doesnt look like 3 is leading into 5

something like this


also, 00:09:280 (3) should start a note later, since the melody's changes notes at 00:09:362; you could move 3's head down a tick and leave it at that or add a note between to make it a 4 note burst, either one fits the song


sure that works petty well. Just gonna move 3's head down a tick and leave it at that since is my og intent anyway

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

00:10:740 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - id suggest changing this rhythm to match 00:05:632 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) for consistency and since i think 00:05:632 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) matches the song better


sure, change it to 00:10:740 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4). Make 00:10:821 (2,3,4,5) into a circle pattern, and the rest normal space burst pattern

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

The spacing here: 00:14:794 (3,4,5,6,7,8) and here: 00:19:983 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - is different despite being the same vocals and rhythm.


00:19:983 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - this one is also different from the first one


I do this because the aim angle is a bit more tighter then osu://edit/00:14:794 (3,4,5,6,7,8). so I make that a bit more comfortable to aim by making the spacing less. But I do get song representation is more important then comfort, so yea fix.
ps. the second respond is the same patterns

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

whoops it was late at night and didnt realize I mentioned it on the first reply LOL


00:26:794 (4) - nc this


remove nc on these: 01:05:875 (1) - 01:25:334 (1) -



Marked as resolved by Tomiup

00:41:551 (5,6,1,2,3) - this could be a good oportunity to add jumps, its the build up so why not


don't wanna make it as hard as it is, again mainly focus on the burst, not jumps

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

00:42:848 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3) - either change all of this to a stream, buzz sliders or 1/4 sliders since its a constant drum roll, its also kinda underwhelming for a buildup.


love the buzz sliders idea, since that I didn't really use it in this map. Fix

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

00:43:172 (2) - is this supposed to be a 5 note 3/16 reverse? the one before it is a 4 note 1/4 reverse and the one after is 1/8 so id just make sure this is intentional and not a mis-snap

if this is intentional, i think going 1/4 ->1/8 -> 1/16 for the reverse lengths at 00:42:848 (1,2,3) would make more sense, 3/16 is just a very odd snapping to use


yea I know that. Is just that is sound too much "buzz" on the 1/16 Divisor. But fine sure cus I can't find any better non scarf solution

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

you could use a soft or drum hitnormal for the reverses on the last one if you mean the sound's annoying, or do 1/4->1/4->1/8, or leave it how it was originally with the 3/16 cuz i see what you mean now (i was about to suggest 1/6 but it ends at a different time than it would with a snapping divisible by 4, so it wouldnt work)


thanks, I leave it how it was then. May change if others hate it


00:45:767 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Seems very underwhelming for the start of a Kiai, the map is 7* i think you should consider replacing these patterns with sliders to show the intensity.


00:50:956 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - same with these, the song is too intense for a pattern like this imo

01:00:686 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - and here


don't really know how through, adding sliders into it will make the map a bit more techly, and I hate it. Maybe on the last jump 00:46:091 where I add like a long slider to the next jump. Did it sound good to you?


I mean you can said that most of the part on kiai is petty boring since that there not that much insane stuff into it. I kinda what it to make it like Onloog version of it, but I don't want to change it cus I mainly want it to focus on the tripes. IDK, maybe I'll came up with something else later on


change 3 into a slider to the next jump, expect on the last on beacuse don't wanna ruin the integrity of the map

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

Nice improvements, I still think its not as intense as i would like it to be but i get you wanting to keep the integrity of the map so its fine


01:29:551 - 01:37:334 - i think you could exaggerate the change in spacing throughout this section more so its more noticeable
you can probably make 01:33:443 (1,2,3,4) and/or 01:34:091 (1,2,3,4) stacks (or really close to one) and then increase the spacing gradually from there


decline, don't wanna ruin the flow and too lazy to rework that section

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

01:37:226 (6,7) - id either make this the same spacing as the rest of the burst here (01:36:686 (1,2,3,4,5,6)) or make 7 overlap 6


I try and they all uncomfortable to aim, maybe because at 01:37:334 (7) the song just stop eruptly so you won't likely to aim that far. As for make it overlap, althrough the music stop. You still have some movement left on you, so making the note stop is also not that great

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

i mean this whole pattern is uncomfortable to aim, but fair lol


another "WHY THE F*** DO YOU PUT THAT PATTERN THERE" moment lol


I saying the players


yeah, makes sense if thats what you're going for, i was just saying that one note being spaced more isnt single-handedly making the pattern uncomfortable lol


oh I see, "annoying" should be the word that I should choose. Sorry




02:10:253 (4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - this flows weirdly, mostly 02:10:253 (4,1), maybe try to change this up somehow


I think it's probably the jumps on 02:09:605 (2,3,4) that make it feel it kinda wide out. So I shortening the gap. I kinda want to make 02:10:740 (1,2,3,4,5) closer to 02:10:416 (1,2,3). But doing that means reworking the later map, so I'm gonna put it there

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

02:31:983 (1,2) - might wanna move this away from 02:31:658 (1,2,3) since 2,3 and 3,1 look kinda similar in spacing rn, which could lead to misreading 3,1 as a 1/4 gap when its not


sure, move them a tiny bit away

Marked as resolved by Tomiup

02:34:578 (1) - maybe reduce the volume on the end of this spinner, since there isnt really a sound here in the music having such a loud hitsound is unfitting imo


sure, make it now 5% volume

Marked as resolved by Tomiup