00:49:443 - starting from around here and in the next 1/6 section, there's a lot of k d k d in the Lunatic Oni. Just feels a bit too repetitive to play, and I don't think the song's sounds are repetitive enough to support it. This is also somewhat a thing in Psychopathic, but slightly less. It's just that almost every 1/4 in the 1/6 section is k d k d, and when combined with this section being the most similar in difficulty between the two difficulties while not being mapped the same, I would suggest making changes.
00:51:902 - If you really want to avoid repeating the same patterns between Psychopathic and Lunatic, I would suggest for the Lunatic difficulty to just have slightly less 1/6, or maybe you could use entirely (xxxx) 1/6 bursts instead of (xxxxxxx). Whatever change, you'd just make the same change in 1/6 density in Hell Oni, since right now Hell Oni has the same 1/6 as this diff, just with breaks.
Like here's a suggestion for the first one at 00:51:902:
perhaps make 01:09:935 (437) - a normal note on lunatic and psychopathic oni for comfier playability :3