00:12:159 (2,3,4,1) - I think 00:13:218 (1) should differ from 00:12:159 (2,3,4) visually because it's 1/4 and the other ones are 1/2 which might cause it to be misread. It's especially confusing because you have sliders stacked the same way at e.g. 00:14:983 (2,3,4,1), 00:29:277 (3,4,5) but without the rhythm change. You could for example slightly move 00:13:218 (1) away from the perfect stack like: https://imgur.com/a/6gIZbc4 to indicate that it's different from the rest.
00:18:865 (1) etc. same suggestion
I understand what you mean and support your point of view, but I personally like to make some rhythm patterns to allow players to focus more on following the rhythm to predict the next NOTES. This can also increase the fun when playing. The last one slider is different from the previous base sound , I use NC to remind the player that this rhythm will change.
00:23:100 (1) - would flip this to emphasise the finish on 00:23:100 - cause spacing of 00:22:924 (6,1) - is really tiny atm
00:29:630 (4) - two kicks here, just using a slider makes for a pretty boring rhythm. It might be better to emphasize them equally, so consider using circles
00:32:453 (4) - ^
Same applies to these patterns in the outro
00:29:630 (4) - 00:32:453 (4) - Emphasize bass sounds with overlapping slider shapes so i still want to keep my patterns. lol
01:25:218 (1,2,3,4) - Please space them more - the vocals are really in high pitch but the movement is quite limited here
01:31:394 (1,2,3,4) - they are still not enough to qualify for stream maybe continue things like 01:31:041 (1,2,3) -
01:20:100 (1,2,3,4) - are quite weak too so try things like 01:31:041 (1,2,3) - also for a contrast against 01:20:453 (1,2,3,4) -
01:32:100 (5,6,7,8) - just a suggestion, but would've been cool if you'd increase the spacing for these too like for 01:31:394 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - :3c
01:53:806 (8,9) - since you mainly focused on the vocals in this section until here, you might wanna change this pattern to be consistent with 01:51:159 (8,9)
01:56:277 (4,1) - Could make a jump here so that the sudden movement decrease at 01:56:453 (1,2,3,4) - is more highlighted
02:50:100 (6,7,8,9) - could make this spacing a little bit bigger. it seems rather small for a kiai pattern atm
02:58:571 (5) - off-screen on 4:3. needs to be moved a little bit to the left
03:40:571 (1,1,1,1) - maybe decrease the spacing between these, since the drum sounds are also getting less intense/lower
04:03:336 - add a finish to the spinner's end? Since there's a cymbal. There are also other cymbal sounds that you ignored, I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not, but I'll put them here just in case.
02:42:865 (5) - 02:47:100 (4) - 02:54:336 (1) - 04:14:630 (1,2) - 04:49:041 (2)
04:16:218 (1) - took me a while to figure out what you're following here. I'd definitely prioritize the vocals/drums as they are much more prominent. The player will barely even be able to hear those quiet guitar sounds.
This applies to the enitre section. Rhythmically, it feels off right now
04:23:100 (1) - might be off-screen. would move the entire patterns a little bit to the left just to make sure lol
04:24:512 (6,7) - , 04:25:924 (4,5,6) - , 04:27:336 (8,9,1,2,3,4) -, 04:40:218 (6,7,8) -
these few 1/2 spacing patterns in this kiai feel quite underwhelming considering the other kiais generally had bigger/harder 1/2 spacings incomparison to the last kiai
would space them out a little bit more to balance it a bit more with the other kiais